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· 新教材背景下英语学科核心素养实施路径探究 摘要 发展核心素养是中国学生在党的教育方针引领下提出的适应时代发展的主题。 英语学科核心素养的提出落实了党的立德树人、发展素质教育的思想。 而英语学科新教材在对旧教材改革的基础上,实现了落实英语学科的...
· Study the ratio between the speed and quality of English-Chinese translations...
· 新课标下初中英语阅读与写作的相互关系【英文】 Contents 目录 1.Introduction 3 1.1.The research background 3 1.2.The significance of the research 4 1.3.The purpose of the research 4 2.Literature review 4 2.1.Definition of concept 4 2.1.1.What...
· Study on mechanical performance of FRP confined concrete columns based on numerical experiments 基于数值试验的FRP约束混凝土柱力学性能研究 摘要:纤维增强复合材料(FRP)约束混凝土柱具有承载力高、延性好等优点,目前以构件试验为主要研究方法,很难...
· Distance is the Soul of Beauty The Influence of Psychological Distance on Pragmatic Politeness Contents Chapter 1: Introduction 4 1.1 Research background 4 1.2 Research significance 5 Chapter 2: Literature Review 6 2.1 Politeness 6 2.2 Psy...
· 小学生英语学习动机的调查与分析...
· 浅析大理喜林苑的营销策略 【英文论文】...
· 汉英语的广告语言对比汉英语的广告语言对比 摘要 在汉英语给广告语言当中,有相同的地方,也有不同的内容。相同的地方是汉英的广告语言当中都会使用疑问句来吸引消费者,鼓励大家去购买商品;两者都大量使用动词和形容词来表达商品的一个性质或者功能,能够...
· 词汇突破:拼读、记忆与遗忘曲线 摘要: 词汇是组成语言的最基本材料,是语言三要素中最重要的构成材料。没有词汇,就无所谓句子,更无所谓段落篇章。因此,词汇是英语学习的奠基石,词汇突破是英语学习的奠基工程。本文针对高中英语词汇突破问题,从拼读、...
· A Book Report Of Jane Eyre【英文 读书报告】...
· 中西文化下的英汉颜色词对比 摘要: 伴随着全球化的发展,跨文化交流已成为主潮。 颜色作为自然界最常见的现象,成为人们日常生活和文化相互关联的一把钥匙。 选择研究不同民族颜色词的差异,对于了解不同民族的文化具有代表性和可参考性。 通过研究,可以使...
· The Book report《 Little Prince 》(读书报告小王子)【英文】...
· 汉英语的广告语言对比 摘要 在汉英语给广告语言当中,有相同的地方,也有不同的内容。 相同的地方是汉英的广告语言当中都会使用疑问句来吸引消费者, 鼓励大家去购买商品; 两者都大量使用动词和形容词来表达商品的一个性质或者功能, 能够帮助大家了解所卖...
· Midea Globalization Challenge for a Leading Chinese Home Appliance Manufacturer Contents Abstract 1 1.Introduction 1 2.Analysis of external macro environment by PEST model 2 2.1 Political Factors 2 2.2 Economic Factors2 2.3 Social Factors...
· Study on Catalytic Oxidation of Toluene with Noble Metal Mesoporous Molecular Sieve MCM-48 Abstract: The pollution caused by volatile organiccompounds (VOCs) is becoming more and more serious. At present, catalytic oxidation is an effectiv...
· Translation of Advertising Slogans from the Perspective of Skopos Theory ---- A Case Study of Apples Ads 翻译目的论视角下的广告翻译 以苹果公司广告语为例 Contents Acknowledgments 3 Ⅰ.Introduction 7 1.1 Research Background 7 1.2 Research Ob...
· 试析法语中的性别歧视现象...
· Household financial plan design家庭理财规划设计 Abstract In the context of the rapid development of economy,the income of the majority of residents are increasing. Financial management has become another way for our families to increase in...
· A Comparative Study of the Heroines in Tess of the DUrbervilles and The Golden Age [Abstract] This thesis is mainly about the comparison betweenthe heroines in Tess of the DUrbervilles and The Golden Age. Tess of the Durbervilles was writt...
· A Study on the application of Euphemism in cross-cultural business negotiation...
· A Study on Nonverbal Communication in Business Negotiation Between China and the United States...
· An Analysis of the Love Theme of A Farewell to Arms [Abstract] A Farewell to Arms, one of the best novels of Hemingway,tells the love tragedy of the hero and heroine, Henry and Catherine, against the background of World War I. With the fir...
· Research on the Formation Mechanism and Prevention and Control System of Land Financial Risk from the Perspective of Central Government Abstract The tax distribution reform in 1994 opened the prelude of land finance inChina, which has deve...
· 导游口译目的论 On the Problems and Strategies of Tour Guide Interpretation causedby Cultural Differences from the Perspective of Skopos Theory Abstract With the boom of Tourism in China,the importance of Chinese-English guided interpretati...
· 从黑人女性主义的角度分析《紫颜色》中西丽的人物形象 Abstract The Color Purple is the masterpiece of Alice Walker, a famous American writer.It practices Walkers ideal of black-feminism.The novel depicts such a vivid black woman as Celie,and...
· MTI学生对于会议口译员角色认知的实证调查 【英文】...
· On the Learning Strategy of TEM-8 Writing Contents Abstract I 摘要 I 11.Introduction 32.Definitions of Learning Strategies 63.Differences of Strategies in Writing 63.1 Strategies in writing in the past 73.2 Strategies in writing in the New...
· 英汉基本颜色词概念隐喻对比研究 以红和red为例...
· Research on App Usage Behavior Analysis and Prediction Algorithms for Mobile Users Abstract This paper systematically solves the problem of Mobile AppUsage(MAU) prediction by means of predictability proof,prediction algorithm development,...
· Pragmatic development and contexts where study abroad research was, is and will be....