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The theory of variant translation is a scientific principle and ideological system that reflects the nature and laws of variant translation summarized from the practice of variant translation. It takes variant translation as its research object,studies the general characteristics and laws of theprocess of variant translation, and seeks the principles and methods applicable to all the methods of variant translation. The theory of variant translation first attracted attention in Huang Zhonglian‘s several papers in 1999, which believed that translators should absorb the original content by flexible means according to the special needs of specific readers. Lie to Me, an American TV series,has been popular in China for its unique investigation process and rigorous yet humorous lines, and its subtitle translation has also adopted some flexible means. This paper introduces the research status of variant translation theory and subtitle translation, as well as the problems and standards of subtitle translation. Taking the American TV series Lie to Me as an example,this paper analyzes and studies the subtitle translation of this movie with variant translation theory,the thesis takes Lie to Me as a case and analyzes the subtitle translation from five approaches of translation variation can be concluded from the subtitle translation: addition, deletion, condensation, adaptation and paraphrase, and some specific examples are selected to be analyzed in detail to illustrate the application of variation approaches.

Keywords: translation variation; subtitle translation; Lie to Me


Introduction 1


1 Introduction to English Film Subtitle Translation ...............................................

1.1 Research Staus of Subtitle Translation.................................................................34

1.2 Problems Encountered in Subtitle Translation ............................................................

2 Variation Theory ........................................................................................................6

2.1 Definition of Translation Variation Theory ..........................................................6

2.2Development of Translation Variation Theory.......................................................7

2.3Main Content of Translation Variation Theory .....................................................7

2.4Value of Translation Variation Theory ..................................................................8

3 Principles of English Subtitle Translation Based on Translation Variation Theory


3.1 Accuracy ...............................................................................................................9

3.2 Fidelity ..................................................................................................................9

3.3 Popularity ............................................................................................................10

4.Main Strategies to Subtitle Translation Based on Translation Variation Theory


4.1Addition ..........................................................................................................11

4.2Deletion ...............................................................................................................12


4.4 Paraphrasis..........................................................................................................12

4.5 Condensation.............................................................................................................13


