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· 《画窗》第一章第二章翻译实践报告 Abstract This is a report on translation of a novella named Painted Windows , which was written by Elia Wilkinson Peattie, an American writer. The novel focuses on the story of the author himself through hi...
· On the Interpretation of Puns in English Advertisement Abstract With the development of international trade and global economy, advertising language has become one of the major ways of international communication. So as to make the adverti...
· 公益广告的中西方差异研究【英语论文】 Research on Different Public Service Advertising Between the Chinese and Western Culture Abstract With the rise of public service advertisements all over the world, the theoretical research on it has en...
· 跨文化交际中非语言行为分析研究 A Brief Analysis on Nonverbal Behaviour in Cross-cultural Communication Abstract With the continuous development of Chinas economy and the degree of openness to the outside world increasing, cross-cultural co...
· 从新旧大陆的文化错位解析《黛西米勒》中女主人公的悲剧【英语论文】 A Brief Analysis on Cultural Dislocation between the Old World and the New World in Daisy Miller Abstract Henry James is one of the most well-known American novelists in the...
· 跨文化因素对英文电影字幕翻译的影响以功夫熊猫为例【英语论文】 Abstrac t In the context of globalization, movies as a new mean of mass media have been able to spread across regions. With the improvement of living standards, peoples pursuit o...
· 从饮食习俗看中西方文化差异【英语论文】 Abstract More and more foreigners learn Chinese and understand the culture of China, which has become a trend in todays society. Diet is a part of culture. It is closely related to everyones life, and...
· 从日本的庭园看日本人的缩影【日语论文】 要旨: 「縮み志向」は日本文化の特質の一つであると言われる。「縮み志向」とは、日本人が小さい物が好きで、何につけても、事物を拡大するより縮小しよう、そしてその中に雄大感を表すという意味である。日本の多様...
· 英语化妆品品牌的汉译策略研究Strategies of Chinese Translation of Cosmetic Brand Name Abstract As one of the best strategies of marketing, brand name is of vital importance in the keen competition of businesses in the global economy. Brand...
· 文化转向视阈下的客家民俗翻译研究 摘要 文化转向对客家文化的对外传播有着积极的作用。文化转向主张翻译研究不仅关注文本,而且应以文化功能等价为标准进行文本信息的构建。基于客家民俗的地域性,本文提出客家民俗的翻译标准---文化功能等价, 并以客家婚...
· 目的论视角下的吉林省旅游景点介绍翻译研究 On the Translation Strategies of the Introductions to Tourism Sites in Jilin Province From the Perspective of Skopos Theory Abstract The main purpose of scenic-spot introduction was to deliver messa...
· Analysis of the Inspiration of the Spirit in The Old Man and the Sea for the You...
· 日本庭園の美学と文化について【日语论文】 要 旨 日本庭園の初見は『日本書紀』の記述から飛鳥時代に蘇我馬子が中島のある池を設けたことがその始まりであると考えられている。日本庭園は日本の豊かな気候風土の中で育まれ、思想、宗教、歴史文化、美意識を...
· A Study on C-E Translation of Public Signs in Scenic Spots from the Perspective Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Research Significance 3 1.3 Research Methodology 5 1.4 Structure of the Thesis 6 Chapter 2 Literature Re...
· An Analysis of Violation of Cooperative Principle in Oprahs Talk Show Abstract Oprah Winfrey is the Talk Show queen in United States, her Talk Show Oprahs Talk Show is the most successful Talk Show in American history, and her language abi...
· 国际贸易中单证术语的翻译及其应用研究【英语论文】 Abstract In the long term practice of international trade, various types of documents have their own characteristics. In order to study documents related business better, people have gradual...
· 中国高中英语教材的评估研究【英语论文】 ABSTRACT This research aims at analyzing the proportion of cultural contents in the English coursebooks used in Chinese secondary schools. Throughout the research history, foreign scholars Cunningwort...
· 委婉语在商务信函中的应用【英语论文】 Application of Euphemism in Business English Letters Abstract With the growing trade between China and other foreign countries in the world, English as a world language is essential in the trade activit...
· A Study of Watch Advertisement Translation from the Perspective of Functionalism 功能论视角下手表广告翻译研究 Abstract In todays world with the development of international trade and acceleration culture integration, advertisement, the sym...
· Character Analysis of Females in Little Women 《小妇人》中女性人物的性格分析 Abstract As an excellent and bright diamond in the river of women work, Little Women, which is written by an American female writer--- Louisa May Alcott (18321888...
· 中英恭维语研究 Study on Chinese and English Compliments Abstract Compliment is one of the most common use of language in daily interaction. It is basically employed to praise someone on his/her appearance, ability, quality, trait, possessi...
· Primary School English Teaching Orientation in the background of New Curriculum Abstract: The thesis mainly discusses the primary school English New Curriculum and primary school English teaching. Firstly, it is an analysis of the primary...
· 关联理论视角下英语广告双关语的研究【英语论文】 On the Interpretation of Puns in English Advertisement - from the Perspective of Relevance Theory Abstract With the development of international trade and global economy, advertising language...
· 礼貌原则在商务英语信函写作中的运用【英语论文】 Abstract With the swift development of economic globalization, Business English letters play a crucial part in business affairs. It is an indispensable tool for us to communicate information....
· A Study of Advertising Strategies in Cross-cultural Marketing Abstract The brand has entered a new stage of international competition. This is a new thing in the regional economy. Leading brand culture has also become an important feature...
· A Study of Business Negotiation Etiquette under the Cultural Differences between China and the West Abstract Business etiquette is a code of conduct that business people should follow in business negotiations. It is not only a simple etiqu...
· 战后日本女性社会地位的变化之考察 摘要:战后的日本经历了在经济和社会方面经历了重大变化,涉及男性和女性的方面也发生了变化。战前的日本是女性受到差别对待以男性为主的家父长制的社会,战后男女平等被列入宪法,并展开了以解决女性差别对待问题为目的的...
· 基于关联理论英语广告中的双关语分析 Abstract With the development of international trade and global economy, advertising language and its translation have become an important part of international communication. In order to make the adverti...
· Growth differentiation factor 11 ameliorates murine experimental colitis by inhibiting NLRP3 inflammasome activation Abstract Background and Aim: Because drugs for ulcerative colitis (UC) have obvious limitations, such as lacking stable, l...
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