中英恭维语研究 Study on Chinese and English Compliments Abstract Compliment is one of the most common use of language in daily interaction. It is basically employed to praise someone on his/her appearance, ability, quality, trait, possession and etc. Sometimes compliment has specific social functions like releasing intense ambience and avoiding potential conflicts. Politeness is a prevailing but significant phenomenon. It is a social merit shared by people around the world. Compliment is one of the miniature of politeness, playing important role in interpersonal relationships and social unity. In process of globalization, people should pay more attention on compliment employment both in home and abroad. In business negotiations, paying compliment is also inevitable and vital. Because of the intrinsic difference of Chinese and Western culture and value, casually complimenting someone from different cultural background may cause negative affect to interpersonal relationships. People tend to overlook implicit factors when complimenting or respond to compliments in a conceited or abased way. Based on Leech’s western version and Gu Yueguo’s Chinese version of Politeness Principle, this thesis tempts to analyze compliments in Chinese and English, find similarities and discripencies in formulas, topics and functions, demonstrate the embodiment of politeness principle, and conclude some strategies on complimenting and responding. Key words: Compliment; Politeness Principle; Cross-cultural communication; Response 摘 要 恭维语是一种日常交际中惯用的言语交际方式,用来赞扬他人的外貌、品质、能力、财富等,同时也具有特殊的社会功能,如缓和气氛和化解矛盾。礼貌是一种常见但是重要的社会现象,是世界范围内的遵守的一种行为约束。恭维语的应用受到越来越广泛的关注。在对话中合理运用恭维语是一种礼貌的表现,有助于人际关系的发展,促进社会和谐。 随着世界逐渐互通,跨文化交际中也应当注意恭维语的合理使用,商务谈判中恭维语的作用也非同小可。因为中西方文化和语境的不同,人们在交流时很容易出现恭维语运用不得体或者恭维语应答不当的现象。本文试图运用Leech主张的西方式礼貌原则以及顾曰国先生提出的中式礼貌原则的理论框架,借助前人对中西方礼貌原则异同的理解,分析出中英恭维语在句式、话题和功能上的相似和相异之处,通过举例的方式详细阐述礼貌原则在中英恭维语对话中的表现,总结出实用的恭维语使用技巧。 关键词: 恭维语;礼貌原则;跨文化交际;恭维语应答 Contents Abstract I 摘 要 II Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Significance and Objective 2 Chapter 2 Theorotical Framework 3 2.1 Leech’s Politeness Principle 3 2.2 Gu Yueguo’s Politeness Principle 6 Chapter 3 Characteristics of Compliments 8 3.1 The Formulas of Compliments 8 3.2 The Topics of Compliments 11 3.3 The Function of Compliment 14 Chapter 4 Embodiment and Strategy 16 4.1 Embodiment of Politeness Principle 16 4. 2 Strategy 18 Chapter 5 Conclusion 21 Bibliography 22 Acknowledgements 24 |
中英恭维语研究 Study on Chinese and English Compliments