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 On the Translation Strategies of the Introductions to Tourism Sites in Jilin Province From the Perspective of Skopos Theory


The main purpose of scenic-spot introduction was to deliver message and attract tourists. On the basis of this principle, English translation of scenic-spot introduction aimed at conveying the main message of scenic-spots for foreign tourists. With an increasing number of foreign tourists visiting Beijing, the capital of China and a metropolis around the world, the English translation of Beijing scenic-spot introductions had aroused increasing attention of translation theorists and practitioners. The thesis explored the English translation of Jilin scenic-spot introductions under the guidance of Skopos theorie. Regarding translation as all action with purposes, Skopos theorie emphasized that the intended functions of target text decided what translation strategies should be used and thus broadens the vision of translation studies.
Through analyzing the English versions of some scenic-spot introductions of Jilin in the framework of Skopos theorie, the study reveals that the common problems in translation mainly fell into three categories, namely linguistic, pragmatic and cultural levels, and then analyzed them respectively. The problems were caused mainly by translator’s influence of the source language convention and ignorance of the purpose of translation and target readers as well as the lack of cross-cultural awareness, altogether making the translated versions unacceptable to target readers.
The thesis put forward that the English translation of Jilin scenic-spot introductions should be tourist-oriented and Chinese culture-centered. Accordingly several translation methods were proposed, including addition, explanation, paraphrasing and deletion with a hope to improve the quality of the English translation of Jilin scenic-spot introductions and promote the development of Chinese tourism.

Key words: Skopos theorie,translation of scenic-spot introductions,Jinlin scenic-spot
introductions,translation methods


Abstract I
摘  要 II
1. Introduction 1
2. Basic Information of Skopos Theory 3
2.1 General Introduction of Skopos Theory 3
2.1.1Introduction to the Skopos Theory 3
2.2 Three Principles of Skopos Theory 4
2.2.1 Skopos Rule 4
2.2.2 Coherence Rule 4
2.2.3 Fidelity Rule 4
3. Tourism Sites Text 5
3.1 The Definition and Functions of Tourism Sites Text 5
3.2 The Classification of Tourism Sites Text 6
4.C-E Translation of the Introductions to Tourism Sites In Jilin Province Under the Skopos Theory 8
4.1 The Application of Skopos Theory to Tourism Sites Translation 8
4.1.1 Skopos Rule’s Application in Tourism Sites Translation 8
4.1.2 Coherence Rule’s Application in Tourism Sites Translation 9
4.1.3 Fidelity Rule’s Application in Tourism Sites Translation 11
4.2 Proposed Strategies for C-E Translation 11
4.2.1 Supplementary 11
4.2.2 Omission 12
4.2.3 Integration 12
5. Conclusion 13
References 15
致  谢 16