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摘 要:情境教学法在最近几年得到了越来越多的人的关注和研究,相关实践也证明了情境教学法在教学过程中的作用。因此,本文拟从斯霞、贾志敏两位名师所执教的《小壁虎借尾巴》课例出发,以情境教学法为视角,对他们的课例进行对比分析。笔者将从是否创设识字情境、带入情境方式的不同、设置问题情境巧妙与否和创设的活动情境的不同四个方面分析两位老师在情境教学方面的差异,从生活情境、听说读写情境、直观情境三个方面分析两位老师在情境教学方面的相同之处。


Abstract: Situational teaching method has received more and more people's attention and research in recent years, and relevant practices have also proved the role of situational teaching method in the teaching process. Therefore, this paper starts from the example of "Little Gecko Brows its Tail" taught by two famous teachers, Sixia and Jia Zhimin, and makes a comparative analysis of their examples from the perspective of situational teaching. The author will analyze the differences between the two teachers in situational teaching from four aspects: whether the literacy situation is created, the different ways of bringing the situation into the situation, whether the problem situation is skillfully set up and the different activity situation is created , and analyze the similarities between the two teachers in situational teaching from three aspects of life situation, listening, speaking, reading and writing situation and intuitive situation.