江西联创电子有限公司核心员工激励机制 摘要
企业的核心竞争力中重要的一部分是核心员工,他们在一定程度上意味着核心优势,意味着能给企业带来更多的利益和发展机会。在中国经济飞速发展的今天,企业也在飞速发展,当然也变得越来越激烈,为了能够保住企业的核心优势,能够更加快速的发展,在其中处于优势地位,那么企业需要重视自身的发展,其中最为重要的是人力资本的问题,企业因此需要重视核心员工的发展。 关键词:核心员工 激励机制 对策研究 员工流失 Abstract An important part of an enterprise's core competitiveness is its core employees, who, to some extent, mean its core advantages and can bring more benefits and development opportunities to the enterprise. Due to the international economic environment and the rapid development of China's economy, the competition between enterprises has become increasingly fierce, in order to be able to keep the enterprise core advantage, can more rapid growth, in which is in dominant position, therefore how to strengthen the management of the enterprise core staff incentive problem has become the enterprise problems needed to resolve. What are the reasons for the loss of core employees? What are the factors that lead to the loss of core employees? How to motivate core employees? Development trend, from the core employee motivation from the management Angle, using the related literatures, questionnaire survey and other research methods, to the jiangxi lianchuang electronics co., LTD. To study the core staff, through the influence of different factors to the analysis of some problems or potential problems, finally according to the company's reality, put forward the perfect company compensation system, To improve the training system and other aspects of strengthening the management of enterprise core staff. Key words: core employee incentive mechanism countermeasure research employee turnover
第1章 绪论 5 1.1研究背景 5 1.2研究意义 5 1.2.2现实意义 6 1.3研究内容 6 第2章 相关理论基础 7 2.1核心员工 7 2.1.1核心员工的概念(8) 7 2.1.2核心员工的特征(3)(5) 7 2.1.3核心员工分类 8 2.2国内激励理论概况 8 2.3国外相关理论基础 8 2.3.1内容型激励理论(6) 8 2.3.2过程型激励理论(6) 9 2.3.3改造型激励理论(7) 9 2.3.4综合型激励理论(7) 9 第3章 江西联创电子有限公司核心员工现状分析 10 3.1公司简介 10 3.2公司核心员工分布 10 第4章 核心员工满意度调查问卷 12 4.1问卷内容设计 12 4.2调查问卷回收情况 13 4.3问卷调查结果统计 13 第5章 对于联创公司激励机制存在问题分析及原因 17 5.1激励机制存在问题 17 5.1.1员工激励机制不够健全 17 5.1.2同事之间关系紧张,沟通方面问题较大 18 5.1.3公司各项规章制度没有落到实处,流于形式 18 5.1.4岗位职权与职业发展规划不到位 19 5.2激励机制存在原因 19 5.2.1缺乏完善合理的薪酬福利体系(9) 19 5.2.2缺乏良好的沟通机制 20 5.2.3缺乏对规章制度的落地实施 20 5.2.4缺乏权责一致标准与职业生涯规划 20 第6章 核心员工流失影响及应对策略 20 6.1核心员工流失影响 20 6.1.1人才成本增加(4) 20 6.1.2企业声誉受损 21 6.1.3给竞争对手提供机会(4) 21 6.2应对策略 21 6.2.1建立全面的薪酬福利体系 21 6.2.2畅通内部沟通渠道 21 6.2.3规范各项规章制度,积极落实 22 6.2.4建立完善的职业生涯发展规划与培训机制(15)(17) 22 第7章 结论与展望 22 7.1结论 22 7.2展望 23 |