中小企业基层员工职业压力研究 摘 要:职业压力又称为工作压力,一般是指在工作场所中发生的压力现象。随着经济社会的不断发展,因为压力所导致的员工身心健康问题突出,社会需求推动这一领域研究迅速发展。对中小企业来说,职业压力凸现的种种问题也应成为企业思想政治工作者关注的一个重要问题。适度的压力有助于员工和组织工作绩效的提高, 但过度的压力不仅会损害员工的身心健康, 还会影响组织的工作绩效。因此, 管理者应该正视员工压力问题,并对其进行有效管理,本文从目前我国中小企业基层员工职业压力现状出发, 通过分析中小企业基层员工职业压力的症状表现及形成原因, 进而提出缓解中小员工基层职业压力的对策。 关键词:中小企业员工;职业压力;人际关系;职业倦怠 Research on Occupational Stress of Primary and Middle-level Employees Abstract: Occupational stress, also known as work stress, generally refers to stress phenomena that occur in the workplace. With the continuous development of the economic society, due to the prominent problems of the physical and mental health of the employees caused by the pressure, social demand has promoted the rapid development of research in this field. For SMEs, the various issues that highlight occupational pressure should also become an important issue for corporate ideological and political workers. Moderate pressure helps improve the performance of employees and organizations, but excessive stress will not only damage the physical and mental health of employees, but also affect the performance of the organization's work. Therefore, managers should face up to the pressure of employees and manage them effectively. This paper starts from the status quo of occupational pressure among primary and secondary employees in small and medium-sized enterprises in China and analyzes the symptoms and causes of the occupational stress of primary and secondary employees in small and medium-sized enterprises Key words:SME employees; Occupational stress; Interpersonal relationships; Job burnout ![]() |