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关键词: xx公司 新员工培训 满意度调查

Satisfaction survey of new employee training

Abstract:In order to adapt to the changes of the market,enhance the competitive advantage of enterprises,cultivate the core reserve force of enterprises, we will always maintain the vitality of innovative enterprises. The so-called enterprise competition is actually the competition for talents.Smart entrepreneurs have increasingly realized that the staff training management in the new era is a kind of "people-oriented" investment that must not be ignored in the survival and development of modern enterprises, and is a fundamental way to cultivate and improve the vitality of enterprises. Help new employees to firmly establish the correct concept of human capital management and investment, make them deeply realize the importance of their own development,so as to actively participate in the cooperation of enterprises, and strive to improve themselves. However, in practice, the work of staff training management in the new era has not been able toget enough attention, and the relevant technical methods and theories of staff training management in the new era are still relatively backward, which need to be improved and innovated.
Based on the investigation and research of new employee training satisfaction of xx company,this paper analyzes the existing problems and reasons of new employee training,and puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions on this basis,so as to improve the satisfaction of new employees of xx company,accelerate the development, improve the competitiveness of the company, and give the industry some inspiration and reference to other companies.

Key words: xx company ;new employee training ;satisfaction surv