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摘 要
With the increasing development of the global economy,competition among enterprises has become increasingly fierce. As the main operators of an enterprise,the executives' business behaviors andbusiness decisions made can affect the future development of the enterprise to a large extent, and become one of the core competitive factors of the enterprise. However, in the actual production and operation of enterprises,the agency contradiction between the executives and shareholders as managers has become increasingly prominent. In order to effectively alleviate this contradiction and reduce agency costs, companies have implemented incentives for executives. The relationship between executive incentives and corporate performance has become a focus of attention in the academic and practical circles. Many scholars at home and abroad have conducted a lot of exploratory research on this subject, but they have not yet reached a consistent conclusion. Based on this, this article studies the relationship between executive incentives and corporate performance,and deeply analyzes the impact of different executive incentives on corporate performance.
This paper selects the 2015-2019 Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share non-financial listed companies asthe research object, divides executive incentives into equity incentives and salary incentives,and uses descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, and robustness testing. Separately analyze the impact of different incentives on corporate performance and the correlation between them. Appropriate control variables will be added in the research and analysis process to make the empirical analysis more accurate. After empirical research, the following conclusions are drawn: Executives There is a positive correlation between equity incentives and corporate performance. The implementation of equity incentives for executives by companies can mobilize the enthusiasm of executives and improve corporate performance;executive compensation incentives are also positively related to corporate performance. Companies implementing compensation incentives for executives can stimulate Senior management's enthusiasm for work improves corporate performance. Finally, relevant suggestions are put forward through empirical conclusions,in order to provide references for further improving and optimizing the company's existing executive incentive mechanism and the improvement of company performance.
Key words: Listed company; executive incentives; corporate performance