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摘 要




The huge business opportunities generated by live streaming andcargo have made the army of live streaming more and more large. In addition, driven by the COVID-19 epidemic,the economy of live streaming and cargo has shown a significant upward trend. So far, it has become a new driving force to support the development of e-commerce platforms and a new way to realize the traffic of content platforms. While the live broadcast with goods marketing mode has brought greatconvenience to people's lives, there are also many thoughtful problems. Through in-depth analysis of each process of live broadcast with goods,it can be concluded that there are still many problems in the live broadcast industry, which has caused huge losses to the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. The problems that cause this kind of phenomenon are: frequent quality rollover time;The ability of anchors is uneven; Serious homogenization; Data fraud;False publicity; In view of the above problems,this paper puts forward some feasible countermeasures from the aspects of product selection, broadcast process and after-sales, hoping to reduce the occurrence of such problems, so as to make contributions to the long-term development of live broadcast with goods industry.

Key words: Network literature; Starting pointChinese net; The marketing strategy


目 录

第1章 引言 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2.国内外研究现状 1

1.1.3.研究意义 2

1.2研究内容与方法 3

1.2.1.研究内容 3

1.2.2.研究方法 3

1.3本文拟解决的问题 3

第2章 中国直播带货兴起及发展现状分析 5

2.1直播带货兴起的原因 5

2.1.1互联网技术的发展 5

2.1.2购物便捷化 5

2.1.3消费者购物体验的升级化 5

2.1.4直播工具平民化 5

2.1.5直播地点碎片化 5

2.1.6营收额巨大 6

2.2网红主播行业的演变 6

2.3发展现状 7

2.3.1网红主播成为流量主要来源 7

2.3.2MCN机构推动主播行业向专业化方向发展 7

2.3.3成单率爆炸式增长 7

2.3.4底部主播生存状态,长期发展空间有限 8

第3章 直播带货产生的价值分析 9

3.1国家层面价值分析 9

3.1.1直播带货助力脱贫攻坚 9

3.1.2创新农村经济发展的新模式 9

3.1.3疫情下推动各行业的复工复产情况 9

3.2企业层面价值分析 9

3.2.1大大提高了销量 9

3.2.2提升品牌知名度 10

3.3居民层面价值分析 10

3.3.1拓宽了就业渠道 10

3.3.2便捷人们的生产生活 10

第4章 中国直播带货过程中存在的问题 11

4.1产品翻车事件频繁 11

4.2主播缺乏对商品的专业性解读 11

4.3直播同质化严重 11

4.4直播间信息造假丛生 11

4.5虚假宣传导致退货浪潮疯狂 12

4.6售后无门 12

第5章 中国直播带货发展策略分析 13

5.1亲自投入,保证商品质量 13

5.2加强对主播素质的培训 13

5.3直播形式多样化 ,直播人员新颖化 13

5.4完善数据运营机制,加强监管力度 14

5.5完善相关法律法规 14

5.6建立产品售后机制 14

第6章 结论 15

参考文献 16

致 谢 17