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摘 要





Poverty has become one of the most acute social problems in the worldand an important factor restricting the healthy development of economy. Decades of anti-poverty work in New China has achieved world-famous results and provided Chinese experience for the world's anti-poverty work. Enterprises play an important role in the market economy.Compared with the government and social organizations,the motivation of enterprise poverty alleviation behavior is more complex, the ways of poverty alleviation are more diverse, and the efficiency of poverty alleviation is significantly different. Therefore, how to guide and mobilize enterprises to participate in accurate poverty alleviation and play a greater role in China's anti-poverty cause is worth further study.

From the perspective of corporate social responsibility theory,this paper selects Ruixue company as the research object,designs the effect analysis index of Ruixue company's social responsibility participation in poverty alleviation, and then analyzes the relationship between Ruixue company's social responsibility and corporate poverty alleviation effect. First of all, this paper describes the research background,research purpose and significance, research content and framework, research methods and technical route. Secondly, it summarizes the research on corporate social responsibility,poverty alleviation and its effect, enterprise participation in poverty alleviation and its effect. Thirdly, this paper analyzes the theoretical basis of corporate social responsibility driven corporate participation in poverty alleviation,and introduces the theoretical framework of corporate social responsibility in poverty alleviation. Then, the paper designs the index system of the effect of Ruixue's social responsibility participation in poverty alleviation,and constructs a set of hierarchical analysis system of the relationship between corporate social responsibility and the effect of poverty alleviation participation from the perspective of corporate social responsibility, including 5 dimensions, 12 indicators and 23 specific elements. Then, it elaborates the effect analysis of Ruixue's social responsibility participation in poverty alleviation. The last part is the conclusion and suggestion part, which describes the conclusions of this study. It is found that the comprehensive effect of Ruixue's participation inpoverty alleviation based on corporate social responsibility is better. In order to fully mobilize the enthusiasm and effectiveness of enterprises to participate in poverty alleviation through fulfilling their social responsibility,it is necessary to form an institutional environment conducive to enterprises'participation in poverty alleviation by fulfilling their social responsibility.

Key words: Corporate social responsibility;The effect of poverty alleviation; Ruixue Company

目 录

II摘 要


11 绪 论

11.1 研究背景及问题提出

21.2 研究目的及意义

31.3 研究内容及框架

31.3.1 研究内容

31.3.2 本文研究框架

41.4 研究方法与技术路线

41.4.1 主要研究方法

51.4.2 技术路线

52 文献综述

62.1 关于企业社会责任的研究文献综述

62.1.1 企业社会责任概念及内涵

72.1.2 企业社会责任绩效

82.2 关于扶贫效应的研究文献综述

82.2.1 贫困与扶贫研究

92.2.2 企业扶贫参与研究

102.2.3 扶贫效应研究

112.2.4 企业扶贫效应研究

122.3 文献评述

133 理论分析

133.1 企业公民理论

143.2 企业社会责任理论



164 瑞雪公司履行社会责任参与扶贫的效应指标设计

174.1 瑞雪公司概况

184.2 瑞雪公司扶贫现状

184.2.1 促进整村产业发展

194.2.2 采取“以地入股”模式

194.2.3 提供技能培训和就业机会

194.2.4 构建“村企合一”扶贫模式

214.3 社会责任视角下瑞雪公司扶贫效应分析指标设计

234.4 研究扶贫效应分析指标权重确定的方法

244.5 瑞雪公司履行社会责任参与扶贫的效应分析的数据获取和问卷设计

244.5.1 数据的来源

254.5.2 问卷设计




285.1 瑞雪公司履行社会责任与扶贫

285.1.1 瑞雪公司履行经济责任与扶贫

295.1.2 瑞雪企业履行社区建设责任与扶贫

305.1.3 瑞雪公司履行文化责任与扶贫

315.1.4 瑞雪企业履行慈善责任与扶贫


335.2 瑞雪公司履行社会责任参与扶贫的效应分析指标体系权重的确定

335.2.1 指标层次的确定

335.2.2 指标权重的计算

375.2.3 瑞雪公司扶贫效应评价体系评分表







46附录一 企业社会责任视角下瑞雪公司扶贫效应调查问卷

48附录二 企业社会责任视角下瑞雪公司扶贫效应分析指标体系指标权重调查问卷

51致 谢