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摘 要


关键词:兴奋剂; 反兴奋剂; 兴奋剂违规行为; 权利救济; 兴奋剂违规判罚结果。


The phenomenon of doping violation punishment appears frequently in China,and it is urgent to strengthen the methods of athletes' right relief in doping violation. By combing the current situation of the doping punishment system in China,this paper analyzes the legal issues such as the relief of doping rights,the problems in the relief of rights in Anti-Doping punishment, and the legislation of the relief of the rights of athletes who use doping illegally. The reason is that the legislators are lack of understanding of doping violations,and the Department legislation is lack of horizontal communication;it is difficult for the legislators to attach importance to and support the legislation of athletes' rights relief in Anti-Doping violations; in the current legislation, the sports law of the people's Republic of China, Anti-Doping regulations and Anti-Doping management measures are taken as the laws and regulations of rights relief, and the sports administration is taken as the basis The main content of the regulatory documents made by the departments constitutes the crisscross framework of the Anti-Doping legal system in China. Through the doping violations punishment athletes how to protect theirrights relief to gradually improve the athlete’s relief in this aspect. Domestic case analysis of doping violations,all should strengthen self-examination, active resistance to doping, strengthen their own protection.

Key words: doping; Anti-Doping; doping violations;rights relief; doping violation penalty results