论离婚冷静期之缺陷与完善 中文摘要 近些年,我国持续上升的离婚率已经成为了一个重要的社会问题,严重影响到了我国社会的稳定发展,鉴于此而构建的离婚冷静期制度,作为一个新的制度存在,自这一涵义的提出与相关试点工作的展开,到《民法典》的颁布将此制度正式落地实施,饱受争议,更有甚者将其与过去的离婚审查期相提并论,本将从此角度出发论证离婚冷静期制度存在的合理性与必然性,并将离婚冷静期这一概念与离婚审查期进行区分。 对于离婚冷静期在《民法典》之中的规定,本文从离婚冷静期的期限问题入手,对离婚冷静期的对象单一的问题和缺乏相关配套制度展开了分析论证,在以此阐述为基础的情况下提出将离婚冷静期设计成一个具有灵活性的制度体系,从建立弹性的离婚冷静期期限、设置离婚冷静期的例外情形、建立相关制度展开制度构建。 关键词:离婚冷静期 弹性期间 降低离婚率 On the Deficiencies and Improvements of the Divorce Cooling-Off Period System ABSTRACT In recent years, the high divorce rate in China has become an important social problem, which has seriously affected the stable development of our society. The existence of the divorce cooling-off period system, as a new system,has been controversial since the concept was proposed,piloted and promulgated in the Civil Code, and even compared to the divorce review period in the past. In this paper, the existing provisions of the divorce cooling-off period are analysed in terms of theduration of the divorce cooling-off period,the single object of the divorce cooling-off period and the lack of relevant supportingsystems, and it is proposed that the divorce cooling-off period be designed as a flexible system, from the establishment of a flexible divorce cooling-off period, the setting of exceptions to the divorce cooling-off period, and the establishment of relevant systems. Keywords: divorce cooling-off period, flexible period, reduce divorce rate |