民乐县农村幼儿园大班前书写活动开展现状及策略研究 摘要:前书写活动是幼儿运用图画、图形或符号等来表达、传递信息,与人交流分享的一个过程。本研究以民乐县农村幼儿园教师为调查对象,对民乐县农村幼儿园前书写活动的开展现状进行调查研究。研究发现目前幼儿园前书写活动开展现状主要存在以下几方面问题:第一,幼儿教师的前书写观不够明晰,对前书写活动的认识不到位;第二,农村幼儿园开展前书写活动的内容不够丰富、形式较为单一;第三,幼儿教师将写字教学当作是前书写活动,重视幼儿书写初步技能的培养而相对忽视书写兴趣的培养;第四,幼儿自发书写意识较缺乏;第五,教师对幼儿前书写活动的指导缺乏针对性。最后本研究针对其存在的问题提出相应的策略以期为幼儿园前书写活动的有效开展提供帮助。 关键词:幼儿 前书写 现状与对策 Abstract:Pre-writing is a process in which children use pictures,figures or symbols to express, convey and share information with others. Based on the survey of kindergarten teachers in rural areas of Minle County,this study investigated the current situation of pre-kindergarten writing activities in rural areas of Minle County. The research finds that there are several problems in the current situation of pre-kindergarten writing: First,the pre-kindergarten teachers'pre-writing view is not clear enough,and their understanding of pre-writing activities is not in place;Third, Preschool Teachers Regard Writing Teaching as pre-writing activity and pay more attention to the cultivation of children's writing skills, but neglect the cultivation of children's writing interest Fourth, the children's consciousness of spontaneous writing is relatively lacking; fifth, teachers'guidance of pre-writing activities lacks pertinence. In the end, this study put forward corresponding strategies to solve the problems in orderto provide help for the effective development of pre-kindergarten writing activities. Key words:Infants,pre-writing,current situation and countermeasures |