浅谈成为一名优秀幼儿教师的方法 摘要:不论从事什么职业,都必须要敬业。如何成为一名优秀的幼儿教师,这也是非常重要的,特别是对于我们学前教育专业的来说。首先,作为一名幼儿教师,在思想上,我们要遵守职业道德规范,做一个高尚的好老师。在社会实践中,要不断提高自己的见识,提高辨别能力。因为,幼儿教师只有在实践中,才能用自己的言行举止和知识,去影响、改变着学生。如此一来,才能在教育中感受到收获,才能感受到喜悦。幼儿教师要不断提高幼儿教师自身的道德素养,遵守职业道德规范,幼儿教师才能培养出文明礼貌、有学识的学生,这样才能得到学生、家长和社会的认可。 关键词:优秀 幼儿教师 敬业 方法 Abstract:No matter what profession, you must work hard.It is also very important to be an excellent preschool teacher, especially for our preschool education. First of all, as a preschool teacher, in thought, In social practice,we should constantly improve our knowledge and ability of discernment. For only in practice can we use our own behavior and knowledge.To influence and change students.In this way, we can feel the harvest and joy in education.Kindergarten teachers should constantly improve their moral qualities and abide by professional ethics. Only teachers can cultivate polite and knowledgeable students,so that they can be recognized by students, parents and society. Key words: Excellent; Preschool teacher; engagement; method |