新零售下社区连锁超市的转型升级研究——以三江购物俱乐部有限公司为例 摘 要 自04年国内零售业对外开放以后,国内大型商超日渐式微,社区连锁超市开始兴起。随着新零售概念提出,很多传统的大型连锁商超开始了它们的转型之路。而相比于那些连锁大鳄,许多社区连锁超市缺乏市场竞争力,容易被淘汰。加之近几年生鲜电商发展的如火如荼,吸引了一批社区消费者,导致顾客分流,这些对本已经营不易的社区连锁超市来说无疑是雪上加霜。如何顺应新时代“新零售”的发展趋势,提升超市的经济效益,促进超市的转型升级,是社区连锁超市发展的关键。三江购物自成立以来,其定位就是社区平价超市,向社区居民提供低价质优的商品和贴心细致的服务,这种独特的经营模式使得三江购物在与大型商超的竞争中独树一帜,差异优势明显。近几年电商崛起、新零售门店面世,三江购物仍能位居本土社区连锁超市的首位,这般成就与其转型升级策略的实施密不可分。因此,本研究以三江购物为例,旨在通过对三江购物发展现状和现行的转型路径进行分析,最后综合三江购物转型升级时有借鉴意义的创新点,供其他社区连锁超市参考。 RESEARCH ON THE TRANSFORMATION AND UPGRADING OF COMMUNITY SUPERMARKET CHAINS UNDER THE "NEW RETAIL" ---A CASE STUDY OF SANJIANG SHOPPING CLUB CO., LTD ABSTRACT Since 2004, when the domestic retail industry was opened to the outside world,the domestic large supermarkets have gradually declined, and the community supermarket chain has begun to rise. Then the new retail concept was put forward,and many traditional large chain stores began to transform. Compared with those giant chains,many community supermarket chains lack market competitiveness and are easy to be eliminated. In addition, in recent years,the grown of fresh electricity business is in full swing, it has attracted many community consumers, leading to customer diversion, which is undoubtedly worse for the community supermarket chain which is not easy to operate. How to adapt to the development trend of "new retail" in the new era,improve the economic benefits of supermarkets and promote the transformation and upgrading of supermarkets is the key to the development of community supermarket chains. Since its establishment,Sanjiang Shopping has positioned itself as a community affordable supermarket. With its low price, convenient service and unique advantages of being close to community residents, Sanjiang Shopping has obvious advantages in differentiated competition. In recent years, with the rise of e-commerce and the launch of new retail stores, Sanjiang Shopping still ranks first among local community supermarket chains. Such achievements are inseparable from the implementation of transformation and upgrading strategy. Therefore, this study takes Sanjiang Shopping as an example,aims to analyze the development status and current transformation path of Sanjiang Shopping,and finally synthesize innovation points of significance when transforming and upgrading Sanjiang Shopping, for reference of other community supermarket chains.
KEY WORDS :Sanjiang shopping;Community supermarket chains; The new retail; Transformation and upgrading 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 引言 1 一、新零售下社区连锁超市的发展现状 2 (一)新零售的内涵 2 1.新零售的概念 2 2.新零售的4大“新”点 2 (二) 社区连锁超市的概念 2 (三) 新零售下社区连锁超市的发展现状 3 (四)新零售下社区连锁超市面临的问题 3 1.成本居高不下 3 2.物流设施不完善 3 3.自身实力不够强大 4 二、新零售下三江购物的发展现状 5 (一)公司简介 5 (二)公司经营情况 5 (三)公司SWOT分析 6 (四) 公司五力模型分析 7 1.竞争者 7 2.潜在进入者 8 3.替代品威胁 8 4.供应方议价能力 8 5.消费者议价能力 8 三、新零售下三江购物转型中存在的问题 10 (一)传统门店基础设施条件差,商品种类单一 10 (二)原有技术、经营模式落后 10 (三) 零售模式单一 10 (四)管控式科层组织管理不再适用 10 四、新零售下三江购物的转型路径分析 12 (一)创新零售门店改造持续推进,数智化升级助力商品配置 12 (二) 全方位挖掘与阿里之间合作潜力,引进“饿了么”实现全渠道统一管理 12 (三)开展直播带货功能,增加社区团购模式 13 (四)推动组织变革,适应新时代环境 13 五、结语 14 参考文献 15 致谢 16 |