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Study on PPP Project Performance Evaluation: A Case Study of A Highway Project
Specialty:Business Administration Name: Instructor:Prof. ABSTRACT
The development of PPP model in China lags behind that in developed countries. There are some limitation
s in theoretical research and practical research, such as unreasonable proportion of investment and risk sharing
between the government and private enterprises, failure to really alleviate the financial pressure of government, f
ailure of both sides to recover costs on time during operation, etc.In addition, the current lack of a reasonable PP
P project performance evaluation system in China, to a certain extent, restricts the development of PPP projects,
such as the actual implementation of PPP projects, the income of government and social private enterprises, and
the urban development goals formulated by the government have not been rationally reflected, and can not make
the PPP project objectives effectively evaluated.At the same time, there are some risks in the process of PPP pr
oject operation, such as increasing the burden of government and causing disputes between the government an
d private enterprises. Therefore, how to carry out PPP project performance evaluation scientifically and reasonab
ly is an urgent problem to be solved.
In this paper, the latest research results at home and abroad are comprehensively analyzed, and the followin
g studies are carried out respectively.Firstly, based on literature research and questionnaire research, the factors
affecting PPP project performance are analyzed from the evaluation dimensions of project input, project process,
project results and project impact, and then the PPP project performance evaluation index system is established,
which includes four evaluation dimensions and 21 secondary evaluation indexes.Secondly, through the comparat
ive analysis of the commonly used methods to determine the weight of indicators, the entropy weight method is s
elected to calculate the weight of PPP project performance evaluation indicators. On this basis,a comprehensive
evaluation model of PPP project performance is established by using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation metho
d.Furthermore, taking A highway project as a case study object, this paper calculates the weight of evaluation ind
ex by using expert scoring method and entropy weight method, and then determines the performance level of the
project based on the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model and principle of maximum membership degree, whic
h verifies the scientificity and applicability of the performance evaluation model.Finally, the results of performance
evaluation of case projects are analyzed in detail from the evaluation dimension, and specific suggestions and m
easures to improve the performance of PPP projects are put forward from the aspects of broadening financing ch
annels and strengthening the construction of information platform of PPP projects.
The research results of this paper effectively enrich the basic theory of PPP model, provide scientific theoreti
cal and practical research methods for PPP project performance evaluation, and which have certain guiding signi
ficance for improving PPP project performance management in the future.
Keywords:PPP mode; Performance appraisal; Entropy weight method; Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation