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Since China's reform and opening up,private small and medium-sized enterprises have become an important part of supporting economic and social development and an important role in supporting Guoming's positive development. However, most of them belong to family enterprises, which are influenced by traditional factors.Although the early stage is conducive to reducing costs and making decisions quickly,with the continuous expansion of the enterprise scale,the management mode is not suitable for the current development, such as the imperfect internal governance mechanism and the lack of external supervision. Therefore, how to promote the healthy and sustainable development of family business has become one of the key issues in the management of family business. In this paper, Weihushan Trading Co., Ltd.is a typical family business.By analyzing the status quo of its family management,we find that there are some management problems in its management, such as unscientific organizational structure, family management restricting development and single incentive mode. We analyze the problems existing in its family management mode,and put forward the corresponding countermeasures,so as to improve the organizational structure,enhance the governance ability and improve the management efficiency The suggestions of incentive mechanism and other aspects provide suggestions for solving the internal management problems of Weihushan Trading Co., Ltd.and for the future management mode transformation of other family enterprises.

Key Words: family business; organizational structure; human resources; family management


一、引言 1

(一)研究背景及意义 1

1.研究的背景 1

2.选题的意义 1

(二)研究内容及方法 2

1.研究内容 2

2.研究方法 2

二、相关概念诠释 3

(一)家族式管理 3

(二) 威虎山商贸公司概况 3

三、威虎山商贸有限公司运营现状分析 5

(一)组织结构现状 5

1.岗位以血缘关系为基础 5

2.部门职权划分简单 5

3.权力责任不明确 6

(二)公司治理现状 6

1.家族管理为主 6

2.现代制度处于发展阶段 6

3.家族管理向着现代制度转变 6

(三)员工激励现状 7

1.激励方式单一 7

2.精神激励不足 7

四、威虎山商贸有限公司家族管理存在的问题探究 8

(一)组织结构不科学 8

1.组织结构落后发展需要 8

2.组织结构职能不够完善 8

3.组织结构职能淡化 8

(二)家族式管理制约公司发展 8

1.产权结构单一 8

2.公司家族成员管理复杂 9

3.家族式管理权利存在封闭性 9

(三)员工激励模式单一 9

1.激励模式单一 9

2.人力资源管理机制不健全 9

五、未来威虎山商贸公司管理方案的改进策略 11

(一)完善家族管理的组织结构 11

1.转变为职能制管理模式 11

2.完善职能框架 11

3.加强不同职位之间的联系 11

(二)提升家族管理的治理能力 11

1.改善公司产权结构 11

2.理清内部成员关系 12

3.积极引入经理人管理模式 12

(三)健全公司员工的激励制度 13

1.加强物质精神双激励制度 13

2.建立完善约束管理机制 13

六、总结 14

参考文献 15

致谢 16