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关键词: 共享单车;发展现状;盈利模式
  This paper takes the profit model of Mobai and Ofo shared bicycles as the research object, through analyzing the development status of shared bicycles, based on the current profit-driven factors of shared bicycles, puts forward an effective profit model for the share-cycle enterprise's start-up period, development period and maturity stage. The motorcycle and Ofo are the leaders in the cycling industry, and they can reflect the industry development trend and the industry profit model comprehensively and clearly. Profit model refers to the ability of an enterprise to gain profit, but also the target of normal operation of an enterprise, and the profit model of an enterprise represents the best way of its profit. Through the analysis of this article, it is found that the shared cycling industry needs to start with two major aspects, one is to reduce the cost and the other is to enlarge the market. This paper introduces various methods to reduce cost and enlarge market, and only find the most effective profit model to realize the sustainable development of the shared bicycle enterprise. 
Key words: sharing bicycle  development status  profit mode