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关键词家族企业  职业经理人  风险  成因  预防措施
The Risk and Prevention of Professional Managers
in Family Enterprises
Abstract: With the improvement of human capital level, the contradiction between human capital and monetary capital has become increasingly prominent. The necessity of introducing professional managers in family enterprises in our country has been verified in the implementation of modern enterprise system. But because of the family business owners and employed professional managers between the asymmetric distribution of benefits, the two have rift, and ultimately will bring huge losses to the enterprise. The contradiction between family business and professional managers in our country cannot be neglected, and it is of great theoretical and practical significance to identify and guard against the risks brought by professional managers. This paper analyzes the risk of the introduction of professional managers from the objective factors and subjective factors, and further analyzes the reasons for the existence of this risk. Based on the above analysis, this paper puts forward the countermeasures of professional managers' risk prevention.
Keywords: Family Enterprises   Professional Managers   Risk   Actors   Preventive Measures

目 录

摘要 1
Abstract 1
绪论 1
一、职业经理人的概念及现状 2
(一)职业经理人的概念 2
(二)我国职业经理人的现状 2
二、家族企业引入职业经理人的风险分析 3
(一)家族企业引入职业经理人的必要性 3
(二)家族企业引入职业经理人的五大风险 3
三、引入职业经理人风险产生的原因分析 5
(一)客观因素 5
(二)主观因素 7
四、职业经理人风险的预防措施 10
(一)外部环境约束 10
(二)内部制度建设 11
五、结语 13
参考文献 14