意思表示错误制度研究 摘要 随着《民法典》的上台,新颁布的《民法典》规定了意思表示的构成要件和表示形式,并没有对错误作出明确的规定,它只在第147条中规定了重大误解制度,而我国的重大误解实际包含了错误与误解。关于意思表示错误,国内学者的考虑基本上涵盖了传统民法学建构模型下的大多数因素,但也只能是意思表示解释的内容,对于错误的类型和法律行为发生后的损害救济我们将在本文中再进行判断。通过对意思表示错误概念的界定,并借鉴他国的相关立法,从而有针对性地推动我国的制度健康完善及其立法问题提出了建议,并在表意人意思表示自由和相对人的信赖利益、交易安全之间寻找一个平衡点,体现法律对保护个人意思自由与维护相对人信赖利益、交易安全之间冲突的协调。 关键词:意思表示错误;重大误解;交易安全;动机错误;制度完善 Abstract With the coming into power of the civil code, the newly promulgated Civil Code stipulates the constitutive requirements and forms of expression of will, but does not make clear provisions on errors. It only stipulates the system of major misunderstanding in Article 147, while the major misunderstanding in China actually contains errors and misunderstandings. On the error of expression of will, domestic scholars' consideration basically covers most of the factors under the construction model of traditional civil law, but it can only be the content of interpretation of expression of will. We will judge the type of error and the damage relief after the occurrence of legal act in this paper. By defining the concept of the wrong expression of will and referring to the relevant legislation of other countries, this paper puts forward some suggestions to promote the healthy improvement of China's system and its legislative problems, and finds a balance between the freedom of expression of will of the ideographer and the trust interests and transaction safety of the counterpart, which reflects the importance of the law in protecting the freedom of individual will and safeguarding the trust interests and transaction safety of the counterpart Coordination of security conflicts.
Key words:Error in meaning expression;Major misunderstanding;Transaction security;Wrong motive;System improvement 目录 一、意思表示错误概述 1 (一)我国意思表示错误的概念界定 (二)意思表示错误制度的意义 二、我国关于意思表示错误制度的立法缺陷 (一)错误与误解在研究和实践中概念的混淆 (二)“错误”的类型化缺失 三、两大法系关于意思表示错误制度的比较研究 (一)大陆法系——以德国为例 (二)英美法系 四、对我国关于意思表示错误制度完善和立法的建议 (一)以“错误”取代“重大误解” 1.用语上以“错误”取代“重大误解” 2.完善错误类型的划分 (二)明确动机错误的认定 (三)意思表示错误的救济 1.表意人撤销权的行使 2.完善错误救济的赔偿责任 五、结语 参考文献 致谢 |