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关键词:网络犯罪 犯罪种类 惩治对策 立法完善

ABSTRACT:In modern society, our daily life has been inseparable from the network.We have experienced Web1.0, Web2.0 and Web3.0 altogether.And what has changed is the role of the Internet in the process ofcrime, from the net as an object, a tool and cyber crime space now. Cyber crime is characterized by complexity, concealment and so on.Several common types of cyber crimes and new types ofcyber crimes for now will be introduced in this essay. Since the enforcement of the criminal law in 1997,legislators have been exploring relevant laws about cyber crimes. Because law has lagged behind,and they can only regulate theexisting phenomenon, but means of crime and object of crime have been changing, so it is often difficult to punish criminals of cyber crimes. In this way, we should make relevant countermeasures at the legal level.Besides the legal constraints, moral level of self-management should not be forgot as well.

Key words:Cyber crimes;types of crimes; punishment countermeasures; legislative perfection

目 录

一、 网络犯罪的概述 4

(一)网络犯罪的产生及其发展 4

(二)网络犯罪的特点 5

1.犯罪主体的复杂性 5

2.网络犯罪的隐蔽性 5

3.严重的社会危害性 5

二、 当代网络犯罪的常见类型 5

(一)网络诈骗 6

1.网络诈骗的特征及表现形式 6

2.网络诈骗的法律规制存在漏洞 7

(二)流量劫持型网络犯罪 7

(三)网络谣言 8

1.网络谣言的危害 9

2.我国法律对网络谣言的相关规定 9

(四)网络传销 10

1.网络传销的危害 10

2.网络传销的监管难点 11

三、当前我国惩治网络犯罪不力的原因 11

(一)当前涉网络犯罪刑事立法之不足 11

四、对于网络犯罪的惩治方式 13

(一)完善网络犯罪的刑事立法 13

1.增设刑法罪名的方式 13

2.制定网络刑法典 13

3.其他网络犯罪规制方式 14

(二)提升网民的道德水平和法律意识 14

参 考 文 献 15

谢 辞 16