试论婚前个人财产婚后所得孳息的归属 摘要 随着中国经济社会的日益发展因此产生了很多争议,婚姻方面的问题也逐渐增多,其中一些问题我国法律规定并不明确。就此对我国《民法典——婚姻家庭编》及其司法解释关于夫妻一方婚前个人财产婚后所得孳息的归属问题,《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国民法典〉婚姻家庭编的解释(一)》第二十六条,明确规定:夫妻一方的婚前财产在婚后产生的收益,除孳息和自然增值外,应当认定为夫妻共同财产。本条规定将孳息完全的划分除了夫妻共同财产的范围,这显然不合理的。应当科学区分“孳息”的概念以及类型,并且考虑到夫妻双方对于家庭的贡献以及婚姻的家庭伦理性因素,以求更加完善解决婚前个人财产婚后所得孳息的归属问题。 On the attribution of fruits of personal property before marriage ABSTRACT With the development of China's economy and society,there are more and more problems concerning marriage, some of which are not clearly stipulated by Chinese laws, so there are a lot of disputes.To our country "civil code, marriage and family make up" and its judicial interpretation about premarital personal property from one side of husband and wife after marriage of the fruits,the Supreme People's Court about apply the < law of the People's Republicof China civil code > the interpretation of the marriage and family makeup (a) of article 26, specific provision: a husband and wife before marriage property after marriage to produce revenue, in addition to the interest and natural value, shall be deemed to be the common property of husband and wife.The provisions of this article will be full of fruits in addition to the scopeof the joint property of the husband and wife, which is obviously unreasonable.The concept and type of "fruits" should be distinguished scientifically,and the contribution of both husband and wife to the family and the family ethic factors of marriage should be considered in order to solve theownership of the fruits obtained from personal property before marriage more perfectly. [Key words]: premarital personal property;Community property; Fruits; Husband and wife toget 目录 一、黄某与潘某离婚案分析 1 二、孳息的基本理论 2 (一)孳息的概念 2 1.从概念起源看孳息的概念 2 2.从法学现状看孳息的概念 3 (二)孳息的类别 4 1.罗马法中对于孳息的分类及意义 4 2.我国物权法中对于孳息的分类 5 (三)孳息与相关概念的比较 5 1.自然主义 5 2.经济——社会观念上的孳息 5 3.相关概念的比较 6 三、我国对于孳息归属的立法现状及婚前个人财产婚后所得孳息的归属观点评析 6 (一)我国《民法典》以及司法解释对于孳息归属的立法现状 6 1.物权编关于孳息归属问题的立法 7 2.婚姻家庭编关于孳息归属问题的立法 7 3.司法解释对于孳息归属问题的规定 7 (二)婚前个人财产婚后所得孳息归属的观点评析 8 四、完善个人财产婚后所得孳息归属问题的建议 10 (一)确定婚前个人财产婚后所得孳息归属应考虑的因素 10 1.夫妻共同财产的认定 10 2.法律对于夫妻一方牺牲较多的补偿性 11 3.财产的来源 11 4.是否为夫妻共同经营所得 12 (二)对于婚前个人财产婚后所得孳息归属的应用 12 1.物权法规定中的孳息归属的确定 12 2.结合婚姻法对于婚前个人财产婚后所得孳息的归属确定 13 参考文献 15 |