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【关键词】未成年人 犯罪记录 封存 前科


The newly revised Criminal Procedure Rules of the People's Procuratorates in 2019further specifies the juvenile criminal record sealing system stipulated in Article 286 of the Criminal Procedure Law in light of the work practice in recent years. The system aims to protect and educate juvenile offenders from the influence of their criminal records, so that they can better return to society. But in the process of concrete implementation, there are still many problems.Therefore, the first part of this essay provides an overview of the basictheory of juvenile criminal record sealing system,and introduces the relevant concepts of the system and the practical significance of its existence. Then in the second part, it discusses the status quo of the juvenile criminal recordsealing system in China, including the legislative status quo and the judicial statusquo, and analyzes the relevant practical problems in the implementation of the system. Secondly, in the third part, it investigates the implementation of juvenile criminal record sealing system outside the territory, and conducts relevant analysis and experience for reference. Finally, the fourth part provides some suggestions on the application andimprovement of the juvenile criminal record sealing system in China.

【Keywords】Juveniles; Criminal records; Sealed; Prior convictions