文学作品的剽窃认定问题研究 摘要 近些年来,文学行业飞速发展,热门作品的影视化更是大势所趋,但是文学作品的剽窃行为却久禁不绝,剽窃形式更是复杂多变。现代文学作品,其载体的多样性导致侵权行为更加隐蔽、侵权范围更加广泛、侵权后果更加严重。文学行业中作者之间互相剽窃、二次剽窃已成为行业乱象,对文学作品剽窃行为进行规制已经迫在眉睫。但是法律的滞后性导致相应的法律制度难以对文学作品的剽窃现象作出合理的规制。本文对司法实践中法院的审判要点进行了归纳分析,对文学作品的剽窃行为展开讨论,深入探究剽窃认定方法,并就文学作品的著作权保护提出建议。 本文主要从以下几个方面进行研究: 第一部分,选取《胭脂扣》与《胭脂盒》一案切入,归纳其基本案情与争议焦点。从司法实践中的案例对文学作品的剽窃行为认定进行分析探讨。 第二部分,对文学行业的剽窃现象进行分析,探究剽窃之风久禁不止的深层原因。从侵权人角度来说,剽窃行为的高收益与低风险是导致侵权行为频发的根本。从权利人角度来看,维权成本与侵权损害赔偿之间的利益失衡,导致大多数权利人怠于拿起法律武器保护自己的权利。如何在贯彻著作权法激励创新、鼓励传播的立法宗旨下,平衡权利人与社会公众之间的利益,成为遏制剽窃现象的关键。 第三部分,通过对剽窃的含义、行为模式、认定标准进行研究探讨,理清剽窃的法律内涵,为剽窃行为认定提供法理支撑。 第四部分,文学作品剽窃行为认定的难点就在于如何认定两作品之间构成实质性相似。实质性相似判断缺乏固定的标准,本文通过对司法实践中实质性相似认定进行实证分析,试图为剽窃行为认定找到一个清晰的判断思路。 关键词:剽窃;非法改编;实质性相似;惩罚性赔偿 Abstract In recent years, with the rapid development of the literary industry and the trend of popular works being turned into films,plagiarism in literary works has been banned for a long time and the forms of plagiarism are more complex and changeable. The diversity of the carriers of modern literary works leads to more concealment,more extensive scope of infringement and more serious consequences of infringement. In the literary industry,plagiarism between authors and secondary plagiarism has become an industry disorder. It is urgent to regulate plagiarism in literary works.But the lag of the law makes it difficult for the corresponding legalsystem to make reasonable regulation on the phenomenon of plagiarism. This paper summarizes and analyzes the main points of the court's trial in judicial practice,discusses the acts of plagiarism in literary works,probes into the identification methods of plagiarism, and puts forward suggestions on the protection of literary works' copyright. This paper mainly studies from the following aspects: In the first part, the author chooses the cases of Rouge Button and Rouge Box to summarize their basic cases and the focus of controversy. This paper analyzes and discusses the identification of plagiarism in literary works from the cases in judicial practice. In the second part, the author analyzes the phenomenon of plagiarism in the literaryindustry and explores the deep reasons for the persistent prohibition of plagiarism. From the infringer's point of view,the high profit and low risk of plagiarism are the root cause of frequent infringement. From the point of view of the right holder,the interest imbalance between the cost ofsafeguarding rights and the compensation for infringement damages leads to the laziness of most right holders in taking up legal weapons to protect their rights. How to balance the interests between the right holder and the publicunder the legislative purpose of encouraging innovation and dissemination of copyright law has become the key to curb plagiarism. The third part clarifies the legal connotation of plagiarism and provides legalsupport for the identification of plagiarism through the research and discussionof the meaning, behavior mode and identification criteria of plagiarism. The fourth part, the difficulty of the identification of literary plagiarism lies in how to identify the substantial similarity between two works. There is no fixed standard for the judgment of material similarity.This paper tries to find a clear judgment way for the determination of plagiarism through anempirical analysis of the determination of material similarity in judicial practice. Key words: Plagiarism; Illegal adaptation; Substantial similarity; Punitive damages |