中国古代讯问方法及其启示 【摘要】随中国古代讯问制度最基本的特征在于刑讯的广泛使用,历朝历代均有关于讯 问时使用刑讯手段的相关规定,而在司法实践中有时不但依法律规定实施刑讯,甚至在法律规定之外“创造性”地采用刑讯手段。刑讯的直接目的在于取得口供,被追诉人的口供被认为是查明案件事实最重要的证据,也是案件能否作出最终判决的基础性要件。在这样的理念下,刑讯成为我国古代讯问制度的核心要素,中国古代讯问史不妨被看作一部刑讯的历史。 【关键词】讯问;口供;启示;刑讯 Abstract:With the extensive use of torture as the most basic feature of the interrogation systemin ancient China, it has been used in all dynasties In judicial practice,sometimes torture is not only carried out in accordance with the law, but even "creatively" used in addition to the law. The direct purpose of torture is to obtain the confession of the accused person,which is considered to be the most important evidence to find out the facts of acase, and also the basic element of whether the case can make the final judgment. Under this idea, torture became the core element of the interrogation system in ancient China,and the history of interrogation in ancient China could be regarded as a history of torture. Key words: interrogation; Oral confession; revelation; torture |