民事恶意诉讼的现状及其规制 摘 要 随着我国经济社会的发展进步,公众的法律意识开始增强,懂得通过诉讼途径来维护自己的合法权益。然而,有些当事人为了达到非法目的,利用诉讼程序,恶意提起民事诉讼,损害他人合法权益。如今民事恶意诉讼现象日益增多,手段花样翻新,法院难以识别,不仅损害他人合法权益,而且浪费司法资源。运用文献研究和案例分析相结合的方法,研究我国民事恶意诉讼的现状和法律规制,分析出我国民事恶意诉讼在法律规制方面存在的问题,借鉴国外立法经验,在此基础上提出完善民事恶意诉讼规制的对策措施。 关键词:民事恶意诉讼;立法现状;法律规制 RESEARCH ON THE PRESENT SITUATION AND REGULATION OF CIVIL MALICIOUS LAWSUIT ABSTRACT Under the background of continuous development and progress of China's economy and society, the public's legal awareness has begun to increase,and people have begun to know how to protect their legitimate rights and interests through lawsuit. However, some parties use the litigation process to maliciously file civil lawsuits to the detriment of the legitimate rights and interests of others in order to achieve their illegal purposes. Nowadays, the phenomenon of civil malicious lawsuit is increasing day by day,and the methods used are so sophisticated that it is difficult for the courtsto identify, which not only damages the legitimate rights and interests of others, but also wastes judicial resources. By using the method of literature research and case analysis,this paper studies the present situation and legal regulationof malicious civil lawsuit in China,analyzes the problems existing in legal regulation of malicious civil litigation in China, and draws lessons from foreign legislative experience. on this basis, this paper puts forward countermeasures toimprove the regulation of malicious civil lawsuit. KEY WORDS: malicious civil litigation, current legislation, legal regulation 目 录 引言 1 1绪论 2 1.1研究背景 2 1.2 研究意义 2 1.3 研究内容与思路方法 2 1.3.1 研究内容 2 1.3.2 研究思路与方法 2 1.3.3论文的技术路线 3 1.4 创新点与不足 3 1.4.1创新点 3 1.4.2不足 3 2民事恶意诉讼的概念与基本理论 4 2.1民事恶意诉讼的概念 4 2.2民事恶意诉讼的特征 4 2.2.1用正当程序掩饰非法目的 4 2.2.2手段多样隐蔽和侵犯对象范围广 4 2.3民事恶意诉讼的情形 5 2.3.1侵占他人财产型 5 2.3.2不正当竞争型 5 2.3.3炒作型 5 3民事恶意诉讼的现状 5 3.1程序法上对民事恶意诉讼法律规制的缺失 5 3.1.1起诉条件宽泛和惩罚力度低 5 3.1.2民事调解程序存在局限性 6 3.1.3证据制度的疏漏 6 3.1.4过分强调诉讼当事人主义 6 3.2实体法上对民事恶意诉讼法律规制的缺失 6 3.3司法运行环节存在疏漏 7 3.3.1司法权严重弱化 7 3.3.2受“案多人少”矛盾的影响 7 3.4道德诚信缺失 7 4完善民事恶意诉讼法律规制的必要性 8 4.1民事恶意诉讼损害了他人的合法权益及社会公共利益 8 4.2民事恶意诉讼动摇了民众的法治信仰 8 4.3民事恶意诉讼造成司法资源浪费 8 5完善民事恶意诉讼法律规制的措施 9 5.1完善民事诉讼程序规制 9 5.1.1加强立案审查 9 5.1.2 完善证据交换制度 9 5.1.3规范民事调解程序 9 5.2在实体法上完善民事恶意诉讼损害赔偿制度 9 5.3进一步完善司法管理制度 10 5.3.1 提高司法权威 10 5.3.2 缓解法院“案多人少”的矛盾 10 参考文献 11 |