试论网络环境下的言论自由权 摘要:作为新兴的一项话语权, 网络言论自由有其自身的特点和优势, 已成为公民日常重要的表达方式之一。像在茶余饭后,打开手机,参与微博话题互动,诸如此类,网络言论的兴盛体现了公众社会参与度的提高,公民权利意识的增强。人们拥有表达的权利,有为正义而发声,就有难以入耳的恶劣言论。网络环境下,正确行使言论自由权尤为重要。本文首先对网络言论自由权的基本理论概括并加以延伸,对网络言论自由权的特征进行了详细表述;第二部分就网络言论自由权的合理行使,通过阐述滥用权利的案例以及其合理行使的原则和必要性,引导人们正确行使言论自由权;最后,介绍了当前我国网络言论自由权的法律现状,分析如何进一步完善,更好地保护公民的基本权利。 关键词:网络环境 言论自由权 合理 限制 完善 On the freedom of speech under the network environment Abstract:As an emerging discourse right,Internet freedom of speech has its own characteristics and advantages, and has become one of the important ways of daily expression of citizens. For example, when you have lunch,you open your mobile phone and participate in the interaction of micro-blog topics,such as this, the flourishing of network speech reflects the improvement of public participation in the society and the enhancement of civil rights awareness. People have the right to be heard,and when they speak up for justice, there are bad things that are hard to hear. Under the network environment, the right to exercise freedom of speech is particularly important.Firstly, this paper generalizes and extends the basic theory of the right of free speech on theInternet, and describes the characteristics of the right of free speech on the Internet in detail. The second part is about the reasonable exerciseof the right of freedom of speech on the Internet. It guides people to exercise the right of freedom of speech correctly by expounding the cases of abuse of rights and the principles and necessity of its reasonable exercise. Finally, it introduces the current legal situation of the right of free speech on the Internet inChina, and analyzes how to further improve and better protect the basic rights of citizens. Key words: network environment;free speech;properly;limit;perfect |