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摘 要




With the deepening of reform and opening up,China's socialist market economy is also developing vigorously. With its features of flexible methods,simple procedures and low loan threshold, private lending can meet people's demand for funds. Thanks to the popularity of the Internet and mobile paymentin recent years, private lending has been growing in scale. Private lending as a supplement to the formal financial stipulated by the state,does an airy role in People's Daily life,but because our country folk lending in the process of development,management center to Banks and other formal financial industry norms, for private lending also slightly less than that of the early to develop a series of such as usury, fraud, illegal absorbing public deposits affect social order problems. With the promulgation of the Civil Code and the modification and application of its supporting judicial interpretations, private lending has stepped forward to standardize. Starting with the current situation and existing problems of private lending,this paper summarizes and sorts out the changes in laws and regulations of private lending today and finds the shortcomings of private lending from the perspective of supervision and governance problems. In addition, it puts forward perfect supplements from the legal norms and institutional aspects of China,so that good laws and good governance can guide the rational development of private lending.

Keywords: Private lending; Civil punishment cross; Lending to the network

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景 1

(二)研究意义 1

(三)国内外的研究现状 1

1.国外的研究现状 2

2.国内的研究状况 2

(四)研究方法 3

1.文献资料法 3

2.历史考察法 3

3.比较研究法 4

二、民间借贷的概述 5

(一)民间借贷概念 5

(二)民间借贷的特点 5

(三)民间借贷纠纷可能诱发的风险 6

1.民间借贷纠纷与非法吸收公众存款罪 7

2.民间借贷纠纷与套路贷 7

3.网络民间借贷 7

三、我国民间借贷法律规制现状 10

(一)立法现状 10

1.民法典相关规定 10

2.地方性法规相关规定 10

2.司法解释相关规定 11

(二)司法现状 13

四、民间借贷存在问题及其完善建议 15

(一)民间借贷法律法规尚不完善 15

(二)民间借贷监管不到位 15

1.监管主体不明确 15

2.行业自律不充分 15

(三)对民间借贷的完善建议 16

1.完善立法与制度建设 16

2.完善民间借贷监管体系 16

3.进一步完善我国征信系统 17

参考文献 18

致 谢 20