从王老吉商标侵权案看“后发商誉”引发的法益冲突与保护 摘 要 我国商标法领域最具代表性的案件:“王老吉”商标争议案。案件当中最具争议的问题时:后发商誉的归属和保护,如果商标在被许可人的使用中增值巨大,那么当许可期限届满后,许可人能否无条件收回该商标?如果依照我国现行《商标法》,许可人可以无条件收回商标,但这样是否公平呢?在“王老吉”一案中,“王老吉”商标在商标使用许可期间,从一个名不见经传的地方品牌发展成全国驰名商标,在2010 年时其商标价值高达 1080 亿,而这大幅度增长的品牌价值得益于商标被许可人巨额的资金投入和营销管理。品牌价值实质是商誉,商誉很难迅速实现再分配和强制转移。对商誉的保护需要区分商标所有权人和使用权人在商誉增值的贡献,通过商标商誉分离,确立商誉的法律地位,或者为被许可人确立续展权,平衡所有者和使用者的利益, 关键词:商标许可;后发商誉;利益保护 Abstract Wang Lao Kat's trademark dispute motion is the most representative case in the field of trademark law in China. The most controversial issue in the case is: the ownership and protection of the later goodwill.If the trademark increases greatly during the use of the licensee,can the licensor unconditionally recover the trademark after the expiration of the license period? If in accordance with China's current trademark law,the licensor can take back the trademark unconditionally, but is it fair? In wang ji, wang ji trademark during the trademark licensing, from the place where a little-known brand development into the national well-known trademarks, in 2010,its brand value as high as 108 billion, and this big increase brand value due to the trademark licensee a huge sums of money into and marketing management brand value essence is goodwill, the formation of goodwill need marks such as carrier through the use of sufficient time; Also use the constraints of time,it is because of goodwill itself is difficult to through legal quickly implement compulsory transfer and redistribution based on the law of goodwill protection should be comprehensive measure of trademark owners and users in the process of goodwill to create value-added different contribution, through to the liability rules of the applicable time limit, such as system design, building owners and users of benefit balance mechanism, avoid the loss of consumer welfare Unnecessary dispute a surge in interest redistribution effect, etc Key Words: Trademark license; Later goodwill; Benefit protection 目 录 11引 言 11.1研究背景 11.2研究意义 21.3主要内容 21.4文章结构 22问题的提出——王老吉商标侵权案 22.1 案情介绍 32.2 争议焦点分析 43后发商誉基础理论 43.1后发商誉概念 63.2后发商誉与相关概念的关系 63.2.1“后发商誉”与商标的关系 73.2.2“后发商誉”与商誉的关系 73.3后发商誉的价值构成 73.4原商誉权人和后发商誉权人的利益冲突 94后发商誉利益分配现有理论及其评析 94.1知识产权添附理论及其评析 104.2不当得利理论及其评析 114.3优先权理论及其评析 134.4共同使用理论及其评析 145后发商誉利益分配制度设计建议 145.1商标商誉分离,确立商誉权法律地位 142.商标与商誉的可分性 155.2确立被许可人的续展权 17参考文献 20致 谢 |