田纳西·威廉姆斯 《欲望号街车》 创伤理论【英文】 The Unheeded Self-healing Journey of Blancheii —A Study of the Trauma in A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williamsii 摘要 田纳西·威廉姆斯是20世纪美国最伟大的剧作家之一。他的作品《欲望号街车》曾于1948年获得普利策奖。《欲望号街车》讲述了女主角布兰奇悲剧性的命运故事。因为在家乡声名狼藉,布兰奇选择乘坐“欲望号”街车投奔妹妹并寻求庇护,但由于与妹夫斯坦利存在着性格、生活观念上的巨大差异,两人矛盾不断。甚至因为斯坦利故意散布的流言,布兰奇与她期待结婚的恋人米契分手,并在妹妹生产的雨夜被斯坦利凌辱以致精神失常,被妹妹史黛拉强制送往疗养院度过了余生。 本文尝试以朱迪思·赫尔曼在《创伤与复原》一书中将创伤的复原分为三个阶段:建立安全感、回忆和哀悼的理论对女主角布兰奇的行为与其精神变化间的关系进行详细的分析,以探讨布兰奇的心理变化过程,主要从布兰奇的家庭与婚姻的破裂对其造成的情感影响与精神创伤方面进行分析,挖掘创伤事件如何给布兰奇带来了无法释怀的痛苦,并思考创伤性事件与布兰奇的悲剧结局之间的关联。 本论文共分为四章:第一章简要介绍了作者田纳西·威廉姆斯及其相关著作,综述国内外相关研究,并梳理创伤理论的发展历程。第二章和第三章将会重点分析布兰奇创伤症状的具体表现及其形成原因。第二章与第三章的分析将以美梦庄园的破产和家人的逝去、丈夫的背叛与自杀两个事件为主线分析布兰奇尝试融入生活却遭遇失败的原因。 在第四章中,本论文聚焦于创伤“不能言说”的社会背景,对布兰奇的“精神质”性格特点进行分析后,认为创伤受害者所困扰的不单单是创伤事件本身的伤害,更是创伤发生后不被社会认可与理解、被抛弃在主流声音之外的压抑。 本文试图从女主角布兰奇精神状态的变化这一角度探讨隐藏在她那些“不正常”行为背后的创伤影响,为研究布兰奇提供新的视角。同时,本论文的研究对于社会了解创伤受害者的创伤经历,重视心理健康方面具有参考意义。 关键词:田纳西·威廉姆斯 《欲望号街车》 创伤理论 Abstract As one of the greatest American playwrights of the 20th century, Tennessee Williams won the Pulitzer Prize for his masterpiece A Streetcar Named Desire in 1948. The drama tells the tragic fate of Blanche, that how a neurotic woman took self-recovery measures after experiencing a series of traumatic experience and how her “magic” world and the dignity as the Southern was broken into pieces by Stanley, who represents violence, patriarchy and industrialization. This thesis takes Judith Herman’s theory in Trauma and Recovery, (1992) as the theoretical basis, which claims that recovery can be divided into three stages, establishing safety, remembrance, and mourning, before the client is reconnected with normal life. This thesis aims to conduct a detailed analysis on the behavior of the heroine, Blanche, to explore her psychological development, which forms the main plot of the play. The present thesis analyzes the effects of the emotional caused by family and marriage to probe the relationship between the unshakable shadow of trauma and the unclaimed pain and the tragic destination of Blanche. The thesis consists of four chapters: Chapter One provides a brief introduction of Tennessee Williams and his works, a review of literature, as well as trauma theory. In this chapter the notion of trauma is defined and reviewed to expound the analysis of Blanche’s wound. Chapter Two and Three probe into the causes of Blanche’s traumatic symptoms. The pain caused by the bankruptcy of the manor and the fall of family as well as guilt and suffering by her husband’s suicide because of her careless remark are discussed respectively in Chapter Two and Three, to explore how the wounds affect Blanche’s psychological states and in what ways she tries to recover. The fourth chapter focuses on the social background of the “unclaimed” trauma, and reveals the truth that personal trauma victim is troubled by not only the hurt from the trauma itself, but the repression that cannot be accepted by the mainstream of society. This study attempts to explore the heroine’s psychological and mental state, to alert people of the possible serious consequences that trauma may bring and attach importance to individual mental health. Key Words: Tennessee Williams, A Street Car Named Desire, Trauma theory Contents 摘要iv Abstractv Contents1 Chapter One Introduction2 1.1.Tennessee Williams and his works2 1.2.Literature Review3 Chapter Two The Trauma of the Broken Belle Reve8 2.1.Repetitive flashes of collapsed Belle Reve8 2.2.Pain covered by luxury and companion10 Chapter Three: Trauma of the Failed Marriage12 3.1.The Ringing polka tune and Allan’s death12 3.2.Effort for a reconstructed family16 Chapter Four The Straw that Breaks the Camel’s Back18 4.1.Sensitive and delicate “Moth”18 4.2.Unclaimed trauma: the dull pain of invisible scar19 Conclusion22 References24 |
田纳西·威廉姆斯 《欲望号街车》 创伤理论【英文】