初中历史教学中“过程与方法”的落实初探 ——以《三国鼎立》为例 摘 要 “过程与方法”目标旨在学生在进行学习活动时,参与到学习过程进而掌握其中的学习方法。在课堂教学中落实该目标有利于培养学生各方面的能力,促进学生可持续发展。本文试从五个方面来探讨初中历史教学中“过程与方法”目标的落实:第一部分阐述论文的选题的缘起和专家学者对该课题的研究成果;第二部分根据课程标准和学者的观点界定初中历史“过程与方法”目标的内涵;第三部分阐释了落实初中历史“过程与方法”目标的必要性;第四部分,分别从初中学生、初中教材和初中历史教师三个方面探寻“过程与方法”目标的落实策略;第五部分将该策略应用于《三国鼎立》这一课的课堂教学中,并分析其可行性。 关键词:初中历史教学; “过程与方法”目标;落实策略 ABSTARCT The goal of "process and method" is to enable students to master basic methods in the process of learning. The implementation of this goal in classroom teaching is conducive to the cultivation of students' abilities in all aspects and the promotion of students' sustainable development.This paper tries to discuss the implementation of the goal of "process and method" in junior middle school history teaching from five aspects: the first part describes the origin of the topic and the research results of experts and scholars on the subject; the second part defines the connotation of the "process and method" goal of junior high school history according to the curriculum standards and scholars' viewpoint; the third part explains the necessity of implementing the goal of "process and method" in junior middle school history;the fourth part explores the implementation strategies of the "process and method" goals from three aspects: junior high school students, junior high school textbooks and junior high school history teachers; the fifth part applies this strategy to the classroom teaching of "Three Kingdoms", and Analyze its feasibility.
Key words: Middle school history; Historical manga; Manga teaching;Implement strategy 目 录 摘 要 3 ABSTARCT 4 第一章 绪论 5 (一)论文起源与选题意义 5 (二)学术回顾与研究现状 6 第二章 初中历史教学“过程与方法”目标的内涵 7 第三章 初中历史教学落实“过程与方法”目标的必要性 9 (一)学好历史科目的需要 9 (二)学会学习,掌握方法的需要 9 (三)转变学习方式的需要 10 第四章 初中历史教学中“过程与方法”目标的落实策略 10 (一)落实“过程与方法”目标要从学生实际出发 11 (二)挖掘初中历史教材中体现“过程与方法”目标的栏目 14 (三)教师落实“过程与方法”目标的体现 16 第五章 以《三国鼎立》为例 17 结语 23 参考文献 24 致谢 25 |
初中历史教学中“过程与方法”的落实初探 ——以《三国鼎立》为例