农村初中生厌学的原因分析与对策 摘 要 初中教育阶段是我国基础教育的一个重要阶段,同样是人生中持续学习、身心发展的关键时期。但是受城镇化等问题的影响,大部分农村青少年呈现出心理脆弱、思想复杂和个性张扬等特征,这些特征容易引发一系列厌学问题。近几年来厌学问题不但没有得到遏制,甚至还引发了更多的教育弊端。中学生的厌学问题已经成为学校教育中的一种比较的普遍难题, 具有严重性和危害性,已经引起全社会的高度关注。 笔者对湛江市A县的杨柑中学进行了实地调查和问卷调查,了解到农村初中生关于学习上的态度和表现,并发现了其产生厌学问题的关键原因,其中除了学生个人内在原因之外,还可以进一步归纳为既有家庭环境方面、学校环境方面、社会环境方面等外在原因。者针对这些多方面的原因进行探索分析,旨在提出社会、家庭、学校以及学生个人方面的教育对策,解决学生厌学问题。 关键词:农村初中生;厌学;原因;对策 Abstract Secondary school and primary school is an important stage in our country,and a critical period in our lives for continuous learning and physical and physical development. However, under the influence of urbanization and other problems,most rural teenagers have the characteristics of psychological vulnerability, complex thinking and enhanced personality, which may lead to a series of anorexia problems. In recent years, the problem of anorexia has not only goneunsolved, but also resulted in more educational violations. The problem of students' misanthropism has become a universal problem in school education.The seriousness and harm of anorexia have attracted wide attention from the public and the country. I start Zhanjiang County's field work and middle school questionnaire survey,middle school students in middle school village are listed as middle schoolstudents, and found a key reason, one of which is the core of the reason,but still can play a role in the distant inducement of life and environment, school, social environment. For these multifaceted reasons,research and analysis were carried out to identify social, family, school and individual educational measures aimed at addressing the problem of student misanthropism. Key words: Rural Junior Middle School Students;Learning disabilities;The reason; countermeasures
摘 要 h I Abstract II 一、引言 1 (一)研究目的 1 (二)研究意义 1 (三)研究方法 2 (四)核心概念 2 二、文献综述与理论基础 2 (一)文献综述 3 1.国外研究综述 3 2.国内研究综述 3 (二)理论基础 3 1.自我同一性理论 3 2.教育成本——收益理论 4 三、农村初中生厌学现状调查 4 (一)基本信息 4 (二)当前农村初中生厌学的表现 5 (三)当前农村初中生厌学的特点 6 四、农村初中生厌学的原因分析 7 (一)学生因素 7 (二)家庭因素 8 (三)学校因素 8 (四)社会因素 9 五、解决农村初中生厌学问题的对策 10 (一)学生方面 10 (二)家庭方面 10 (三)学校方面 11 (四)社会方面 12 六、结语 12 参考文献 14 |