中学历史课堂导入中的家国情怀 摘 要 家国情怀作为核心素养之一,从情感的角度出发,帮助中学生提升自我,形成正确的人生目标。家国情怀与课堂导入相结合,使得课堂导入变得生动有趣、课堂内容更加深入人心,增强了学生学习的主动性,提高课堂效率。本文从四个方面进行探讨:第一部分阐述选题的缘由和学界对该课题的研究成果;第二部分阐述家国情怀的具体内涵;第三部分分析家国情怀与课堂导入的关系;第四部分探究基于家国情怀的课堂导入的方法,并加上教学案例;第五部分阐述对基于家国情怀的课堂导入的反思。 关键词:中学历史; 课堂导入; 家国情怀 ABSTARCT As one of the core qualities,family and country feelings help middle school students to improve themselves and form correct life goals from an emotional point of view. The combination of home and country feelings and classroom introduction makes the classroom introduction more lively and interesting,the content of the classroom is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, enhances the initiative of students in learning, and improves classroom efficiency. This article discusses from four aspects: the first part explains the reasons for the topic selection and the academicresearch results on the topic; the second part explains the specific connotation of family and country feelings;the third part analyzes the relationship between family and country feelings and classroom introduction;fourth part The part explores the method of classroom introduction based on the feelings of family and country, and adds teaching cases; the fifth part elaborates the reflection on the classroom introduction based on the feelings of family and country.
Key words: Middle school history; classroom introduction; family and country feeling 目录 摘 要 I ABSTARCT II 第一章 绪论 1 (一)论文缘起与选题意义 1 (二)学术回顾与研究现状 1 第二章 家国情怀的基本概念 3 (一)家国情怀 3 (二)家国情怀核心素养 3 (三)培养中学生家国情怀素养的内涵 3 1.培养学生对国家的认同感 3 2.培养学生对国家的责任感和使命感 4 3.帮助学生形成正确的爱国情怀 4 第三章 家国情怀与课堂导入的关系 5 (一)课堂导入是培养家国情怀的途径 5 (二)家国情怀丰富了课堂导入的内涵 5 (三)家国情怀和课堂导入相互促进 5 第四章 基于家国情怀的中学历史课堂导入方法及案例设计 5 (一)红色歌曲导入 5 (二)革命先烈的故事导入 7 (三)诗文导入 8 (四)材料导入 9 (五)视频导入 10 (六)历史图片导入 11 (七)乡土资源导入 13 第五章 基于家国情怀的中学历史课堂导入的反思 14 (一)高度重视课堂导入 14 (二)注重课堂导入与家国情怀的结合 15 (三)正确理解爱国主义内涵 16 结语 18 参考文献 19 致谢 20 |