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摘 要

  In today's digital economy era, employees have become the most important resources of various enterprises, and they are the most important existence in the enterprise. It can be said that if an enterprise loses its employees, then the enterprise will lose the mainstay full of creativity. However, it is inevitable that many enterprises have the phenomenon of staff turnover. In view of this phenomenon, this paper will analyze the reasons and countermeasures of staff turnover in enterprises, and put forward feasible countermeasures for institutional problems to alleviate the phenomenon of staff turnover in the mainland of institutions.
  This paper takes the staff of Rugao Xiaoxingxing International Education as the research object, according to the relevant theories of staff turnover: Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, Adams's equity theory and Herzberg's two-factor theory, combined with the staff characteristics of Rugao Xiaoxingxing International Education, points out the problems existing in the organization and puts forward the solutions. Firstly, the literature method is used to sort out the current situation of staff turnover at home and abroad. Secondly, the basic situation of the organization is briefly introduced; Then, the questionnaire survey method and interview record form were used to investigate the current and former employees, and the specific problems of employee turnover were summarized: high pressure of employees, imperfect compensation and benefits, difficult promotion and lack of enterprise culture construction; Finally, according to the development situation of the organization, from the perspective of employees, enterprises and external environment, feasible suggestions are put forward: to relieve the pressure of employees, improve the salary and welfare system, improve the promotion mechanism and strengthen the construction of corporate culture. The research results of this paper can alleviate the problem of employee turnover, improve the stability of employees, and ensure the continuous development of the organization.
  Key words:Employee turnover;Educational institution;Work

目 录

第1章 绪论1
1.1 选题背景、研究目的及意义1
1.1.1 选题背景1
1.1.2 研究目的及意义1
1.2 国内外研究现状2
1.2.1 国内研究现状2
1.2.2 国外研究现状2
1.3 总体思路与研究框架3
1.4 研究内容与研究方法5
第2章 员工流失相关理论概述6
2.1 员工流失的定义6
2.2 员工流失的特点及影响6
2.2.1 员工流失特点6
2.2.2 员工流失影响6
2.3 员工流失的相关理论7
2.3.1 马斯洛需求层次理论7
2.3.2 赫兹伯格的双因素理论7
2.3.2 亚当斯公平理论8
2.4 本章小结9
第3章 如皋小新星国际教育员工流失现状10
3.1 如皋小新星国际教育基本情况10
3.1.1 如皋小新星国际教育简介10
3.1.2 如皋小新星国际教育组织结构10
3.2 如皋小新星国际教育在职员工问卷调查11
3.2.1 设计在职员工满意度调查问卷11
3.2.2 在职员工问卷的回收及调查结果分析12
3.3 如皋小新星国际教育流失员工问卷调查及深入访谈14
3.3.1 设计流失员工问卷调查表14
3.3.2 问卷回收及结果分析14
3.3.3 设计访谈表21
3.3.4 访谈结果分析21
3.4 本章小结22
第4章 如皋小新星国际教育员工流失问题成因分析23
4.1 员工压力大23
4.1.1 与领导关系不融洽23
4.1.2 员工工作量大23
4.2 薪酬福利机制不完善24
4.2.1 薪酬水平没有竞争力24
4.2.2 福利项目少24
4.3 晋升困难25
4.3.1 晋升标准不清晰25
4.3.2 晋升周期长,机会少25
4.4 企业文化不健全26
4.4.1 缺乏企业文化培训26
4.4.2 员工难以理解企业文化26
4.5 本章小结26
第5章 如皋小新星国际教育员工流失的对策及建议27
5.1 缓解员工压力27
5.1.1 搭建沟通平台,缓解与领导之间的关系27
5.1.2 减轻工作量27
5.2 完善薪酬福利待遇28
5.2.1 提高薪酬水平28
5.2.2 增加福利项目28
5.3 完善晋升机制29
5.3.1 明确晋升流程与标准29
5.3.2 缩短晋升周期,增加晋升机会29
5.4 加强企业文化建设30
5.4.1 领导做好带头作用,进行企业文化传播30
5.4.2 做好企业文化培训30
5.5 本章小结30
附录A 如皋小新星国际教育在职员工满意度调查表34
附录B 小新星国际教育离职员工调查表35
附录C 离职员工访谈记录表37