疫情影响下欧华物流集团发展出现的问题及对策分析 摘要 2020年突如其来的新冠疫情将对中国和世界产生巨大影响。面对突然爆发的疫情,产生的需求波动、运力资源短缺、运输网络受阻等等的挑战,全球范围内的物流业仍尽其所能来保障运营。在整个抗疫战及助复工中扮演了关键且非常正面的角色,引起了世界人民的注意。本文就是以欧华国际物流集团为例,对新冠疫情影响下的物流企业进行研究分析,希望可以为受疫情影响下的物流企业提供一些参考。 关键词:新型冠状肺炎 疫情 欧华国际物流集团 复工 Abstract The sudden new crown epidemic in 2020 will have a huge impact on China and the world. In the face of the outbreak of the raid, the logistics industry in China and the world is still fully committed to ensuring operations in the face of many challenges such as fluctuating demand, shortage of capacity resources, and transportation network obstruction. The huge and active role has received widespread attention. This article takes Ouhua International Logistics Group as an example to study and analyze the logistics companies affected by the new crown epidemic, hoping to provide some reference for logistics companies affected by the epidemic. Keywords: New Coronary Pneumonia; epidemic; Ouhua International Logistics Group; resume work 目录 1 引言6 2 新冠肺炎及其在世界范围内的蔓延情况6 3 欧华物流集团及疫情发生后的发展状况7 3.1 欧华物流集团简介7 3.2 疫情影响下欧华物流集团的发展状况7 4 新冠疫情影响下欧华物流集团出现的问题8 4.1 延期复工,货物积压,资金链断裂8 4.2 客户流失严重8 4.3 国内外疫情严重,内陆运输无法通行8 4.4 防疫物资市场混乱,资料审核不到位,专业度遭到怀疑9 5 欧华物流集团未来发展的对策9 5.1 积极与客户沟通,加强应收账款的催收9 5.2 新客户的开发、老客户的维系同时进行10 5.3 加强多方沟通与配合,及时更新实时动态11 5.4 熟知政策,严格审核防疫物资相关资料11 结论12 致谢13 参考文献14 |