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摘 要


【关键词】个人信息权 法益 侵犯公民个人信息罪 刑法保护


The anti-monopoly enforcement agencies and judicial authorities’ investigationon HUAWEI v InterDigital Technology Corporation Inc and Qualcomm antitrust cases have aroused great attention from the society,also caused the legal communities attach more importance on the anti-monopoly regulation of excessive pricing. Therefore, the first chapter of this essay bases its analysis on these two typical cases.The second chapter discusses the concept definition and harmfulness of excessive pricing and the difficulties of anti-monopoly enforcement, and analyses the methods of identifying excessive pricing. Chapter three observes United States,the European Union and Korean’s anti-monopoly regulation experiences on excessive pricing. Finally this essay analyses the current situation of anti-monopoly regulation of excessive pricing in our country,and tries to put forward some meaningful suggestions to improve the anti-monopoly enforcement of excessive pricing in our county.


一、导论 1

(一)研究目的和意义 1

(二)国内外研究现状 1

(三)我国对个人信息刑法保护的历史沿革 4

二、个人信息的概述 5

(一)个人信息的界定 5

(二)个人信息的权利属性 5


1.隐私权说 5

2.人格权说 6

3.财产权说 6

4.新型人格权说 6

三、侵犯公民个人信息罪的理论争议 6

(一)个人法益和超个人法益学说的交锋 6

1.个人法益说 7

2.超个人法益说 7

(二)单纯个人法益说和超个人法益说的否认 9

(三)折衷说之提倡:个人法益和超个人法益之兼容——以疫情期间对公民个人信息的收集和保护为例 13

四、我国刑法对公民个人信息的保护思路 16

(一)刑事立法层面 16

(二)刑事司法层面 17

(三)总结 17

五、大数据背景下我国刑法对公民个人信息保护的应然定位 18

1.我国刑法对公民个人信息保护的缺憾 18

2.我国公民个人信息刑法保护的完善 18

六、结语 20

参考文献 21

致 谢 22