试论视听作品中的短视频及其权利归属问题 摘要 本文从短视频作品的性质争议和权利归属纠纷等实际问题出发,通过对新修订的《著作权法》及其他法律、行政法规对视听作品的相关规定以及法院裁判案例的分析,分析短视频作为作品的要件和短视频作品的著作权权利归属问题。本文得出结论大部分短视频属于《著作权法》意义上的作品。短视频作品权利归属涉及的三方主体为作者、签约公司和短视频发布平台,作者应当享有作品著作权中的精神权利,法院对作者与签约公司署名权归属约定的法律效力的判断在尊重双方当事人意思自治的原则下会结合账号的人身属性适当减损当事人约定的法律效力,短视频发布平台作为互联网时代的新型邻接权人与其他视听作品的邻接权人相比享有更为优势的地位。 关键词:视听作品;法律效力;权属 ABSTRACT This article starts from practical issues :disputes over the nature of short video works and disputes over the ownership of rights in the short video works. Through the analyzing of the newly revised Copyright Law, other relevant laws,administrative regulations on audio-visual works and the analysis of court judgments, we can conclude the essential parts of being a work in Copyright Law for short videos and the ownership of the copyright of the short video works. This article concludes that most of the short videos are works recognized by Copyright Law.The three parties involved in the ownership of short video works are the author, the contracted company and the short video publishing platform. The author of short videos shall enjoy the moral rights in the copyright of the work.The judge judged the validity of the contract between author and companynot only respect the principle of Autonomy of the Will but also considerthe personal attributes of the accounts which post short videos involved. So the verdict usually reduce the legal effect agreed by the parties.As a new type of neighboring right holder in the Internet era,the short video publishing platform enjoys a more advantageousposition than the neighboring right holders of other audio-visual works. KEY WORDS: audio-visual works, legal effect, ownership 目录 第一章 短视频作品的概念及特点 5 一、短视频作品的概念 5 二、短视频作品的特点 6 第二章 短视频作为作品的要件与类别 7 一、《著作权法》对作品的定义 7 二、短视频的独创性判断 8 三、影响短视频作品独创性的因素分析 10 (一)时长短 10 (二)直接利用平台的素材和技术 11 (三)主题相同 11 四、《著作权法》对视听作品的定义及解读 12 第三章 短视频作品的权利归属 13 一、传统视听作品的权利类型及归属判定 13 二、自媒体时代视听作品权利归属判断的新问题 14 (一)行业内短视频作品权利归属现状及问题 14 (二)短视频作品的权利归属路径 19 第四章 结语 27 参考文献 28 致谢 32 |