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摘 要






Research on the Copyright of Live Online Games


With the increasing enrichment of contemporary material conditions and the increasing pressure of life, online game broadcasting has won more and more favors fromthe public, especially young people, based on its entertainment and decompression. According to the 45th China Internet Development Statistics Report,as of March 2020, china's live game users reached 260 million, an increase of 22.04 million from the end of 2018.In May 2020, the "Little Hulu" website counted the gift income of all game anchors on nine major live-streaming platforms, including Fighting Fish and Tiger Teeth,with the total value of the gifts of the top 20 anchors exceeding RMB100 million. However, the infringement cases caused by live online games are not uncommon,such cases are relatively novel in China's judicial practice,there are no relevant provisions in legislation,so the copyright issues involved in live online games in judicial practice and the theoretical circles have produced different understandings. In view of this, this paper, by combing the different points of view of academic theory and judicial practice, discusses the controversial copyright issues involved in livestreaming of online games, and puts forward its own suggestions on these controversialissues, with a view to better protecting the copyright of live streaming of online games. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this article is divided into five parts.

The first part first defines the concept of live online games,distinguishing between online games and online games live, online game screen and online game live screen. Secondly, according to the discussion of the copyright issue of online game live streaming and combined with the actual cases in judicial practice,three controversial issues are summarized: the copyright propertiesof online game screen,the exclusive rights involved in online game broadcasting and its attribution, and whether the system of rational use can be applied to online game broadcasting.

The second part, the third part and the fourth part are mainly specifically around the dispute issue analysis, in the network game picture copyright attributes,mainly from the point of view of distinguishing between a single online game picture and the overall picture of the online game;On the issue of live streaming and rational use of online games, the main analysis of online game live broadcast reasonable use of the previous mention of standards.

At the end of this paper,the fifth part is mainly to the above controversial issues, give perfect suggestions. First of all, make clear the provisions of fair use in the aspect of online game live broadcastcopyright; Secondly, the identification standards of fair use are refined through judicial cases. Finally, the self-discipline of the network broadcast industry should be strengthened.

Keywords: online game live broadcast; online game screen; copyright; fair use


引言 1

一、网络游戏直播相关概念界定及存在的主要著作权争议问题 3

(一)网络游戏直播相关概念界定 3

1.网络游戏与网络游戏直播 3

2.网络游戏画面与网络游戏直播画面 4

(二) 网络游戏直播存在的主要著作权争议问题 6

1.网络游戏画面的著作权属性 6

2.网络游戏直播涉及的专有权利及其归属 7

3.网络游戏直播能否适用合理使用制度 7

二、网络游戏画面的著作权属性分析 8

(一)作品属性认定的规则 8

1.作品是在特定领域内的智力成果 9

2.作品具有独创性 9

3.作品能以一定形式表现 10

(二)单个网络游戏画面 10

(三)网络游戏整体画面 11

1.网络游戏整体画面不同于计算机软件 12

2.网络游戏整体画面不同于既有游戏元素 13

3.网络游戏整体画面具有单独作品性质 13

三、网络游戏直播涉及的专有权利及其归属 15

(一)网络游戏直播涉及的专有权利 15

1.不属于信息网络传播权控制范围 16

2.属于广播权控制范围 17

(二)网络游戏直播涉及的专有权利归属 19

1.玩家有实质性创作行为 20

2.玩家无实质性创作行为 21

四、网络游戏直播与合理使用 22

(一)网络游戏直播合理使用认定的前提 22

1.网络游戏直播画面以网络游戏画面为主要内容 23

2.网络游戏直播受网络游戏画面权利人控制 23

(二)网络游戏直播是否构成合理使用的认定标准 24

1.网络游戏直播是否构成合理使用的认定标准对比分析 24

2.明确衡量标准 28

(三)网络游戏直播合理使用的认定 28

1.网络游戏直播与个人使用 28

2.网络游戏直播与适当引用 29

3.网络游戏直播与新闻报道 30

4.网络游戏直播与兜底条款 30

五、完善网络游戏直播著作权问题的建议 31

(一)统一司法裁量标准 31

1.明确网络游戏整体画面的作品类型是视听作品 31

2.明确网络游戏直播受权利人广播权控制 32

(二)明确合理使用在网络游戏直播著作权方面的规定 32

结语 33

参考文献 35

致谢 39