浅论共同危险行为与高空抛物 摘要 当今社会,随着城市化的不断发展,高楼大厦林立,高空抛物致人损害事件发生越发频繁,引起的争端也难以化解,具体侵权人难以发现,责任承担也难以说起。与此同时,生活中也不乏二人以上实施的危及他人人身、财产安全的共同危险行为,其具体侵权人也难以找寻,两者之间极大的相似处引起笔者浓厚的研究兴趣。因此,本文首先通过分析共同危险行为与高空抛物侵权行为的基本概念、特征,引用不同学者对这两种侵权行为的理论学说,专注于两种制度的内在层面,根据两者的构成要件、免责事由等相关内容,分析两者之间的区别联系,剖析其理,立足于当前立法现状与具体案件,阐述笔者本人对两种制度的个人见解,力求为我国民事侵权法治事业发展提供微薄动力。 关键词:共同危险行为;高空抛物;免责事由;构成要件 Abstract In today's society, with the continuous development of urbanization and numerous high-rise buildings, the incidents of throwing objects from high altitude causing damage to people are more and more frequent, and the disputes caused by them are difficult to resolve. It is difficult to find out the specific infringer and bear the responsibility.At the same time, there is no lack of two or more people in our daily life to endanger the safetyof other people's personal and property of common dangerous behavior,the specific infringer is difficult to find, the great similarity between the two aroused the author's strong research interest. Therefore, this article first analyzes common risk behavior and high altitude parabolic basic concept and characteristics of the infringement, refer to different scholars of the two kinds of tort theory, focusing on the two systems of the internal level,according to the constitutive requirements of the two ground, relief and other related content,analysis of the difference between the two, analyzes its reason,based on the current status of legislation and specific cases, the author himself on two systems of personal opinion, makes every effort to the cause of tort law in our country development provide little motivation. Key words: joint risky behavior; High altitude throwing;Reasons for Exemption; Constitutive requirements 目录 一、共同危险行为和高空抛物侵权行为概述 (一)共同危险行为的概念与特征 (二)高空抛物侵权行为的概念与特征 二、现今学者对于共同危险行为和高空抛物侵权行为的观点 (一)共同危险行为成立要件的几种学说 (二)高空抛物侵权行为的基础理论 三、共同危险行为和高空抛物侵权行为的立法现状 (一)共同危险行为的成立要件分析 (二)高空抛物侵权行为的成立要件分析 (三)共同危险行为的免责事由 (四)高空抛物侵权行为的免责事由 四、对于共同危险行为与高空抛物侵权行为的个人理解 (一)共同危险行为和高空抛物侵权行为的区别联系 (二)共同危险行为的适用必要性 (三)高空抛物侵权行为的不足 (四)对于高空抛物侵权行为的完善建议 参考文献 致谢 |