数字化孤儿作品版权保护的内在张力与路径选择-基于区块链技术的研究分析 摘要:伴随着互联网+时代的到来,作品创作的传统方式已经逐步发生变化,各种创作作品的可利用网络平台促使了更多无主作品的出现,数字化孤儿作品既是当今作品的常态表现形式又是我国著作权保护的重点难点,其对于著作权的利用与传播都有影响。孤儿作品是指在著作权保护期限内,需要加以使用但却无法找到著作权人的作品.由于某些孤儿作品具有巨大的商业和教育价值,因此利用它对社会的发展是有益的。因此,本文引用国外有关孤儿作品使用的相关法律法规,通过介绍什么是孤儿作品和孤儿作品数字表达形式以及现有的版权保护制度,来规制中国法律对数字化孤儿作品的保护途径。利用区块链技术进一步剖析待解决问题,巧妙分析区块链特点从而发现区块链技术与现在数字化孤儿作品所面临的问题契合,只要充分互补,区块链技术解决数字化孤儿作品指日可待。 关键词:数字化孤儿作品版权保护制度孤儿作品区块链 ABSRTACT: With the advent of the Internet + era,the traditional ways of creating works have gradually changed. The available network platforms for creating works have promoted the emergence of moreworks without owners, digital Orphan works is not only the normal form of expression ofcontemporary works, but also the key and difficult point of copyright protection in China. Orphan works are works that need to be used but can not find the copyright owner.Since some orphan works have great commercial and educational value and their utilization is beneficial to the development ofsociety, there are relevant legal provisions on the use of orphan works abroad, and in this regard,china's law is a little short of this article through introducing what is orphan works and orphanworks digital expression form and the existing copyright protection system,using blockchain technology to further analyze the problems to be solved, by analyzing the characteristics of Blockchain, it is found that the blockchain technology is in line with the current problems of digital orphan works. Keywords: Digital Orphan Works, Copyright Protection System, orphan works, |