Researches on problems and countermeasures of classroom incentive in junior high schools'English teaching 【摘 要】随着教育的国际化,英语已经成为全世界广泛使用的共同语言。学习第二语言的关键是课堂教学。为了提高初中英语课堂教学质量,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,实施课堂激励教学是新课程下重要的教学理念之一,但是在实际课堂中会出现很多问题。本文主要探讨初中英语课堂激励存在的问题并给出相应的对策。在已有研究理论的基础上,通过对宝鸡市某初中八名英语教师的课堂观察和课后访谈,了解了初中英语课堂中激励问题的现状。从课堂激励主体、激励方式、激励内容、激励标准四个方面进行了研究探讨,结合全面激励理论,重点提出了激励主体互动化、激励方式多样化、激励内容丰富化以及激励标准多元化的解决措施。有利于教师充分利用课堂,用适当的课堂激励方法鼓励学生表达自我,提高学生学习的积极性和主动性,最终提高课堂教学的有效性。 【关键词】 初中英语教学; 课堂激励; 存在的问题及对策 CONTENTS I.Introduction 1 II.Literature review 2 2.1 The definition of classroom incentive 2 2.2 Studies of incentive abroad 2 2.3 Studies of incentive at home 3 III.The comprehensive motivation theory 3 3.1 Whole staff incentive 3 3.2 Whole process incentive 3 3.3 Total factors incentive 4 IV.Problems and countermeasures of classroom incentive in junior high schools'English teaching 5 4.1 Problems of classroom incentive in junior high schools'English teaching 5 4.1.1 Lack of student-centered incentive 6 C4.1.2 Lack of diversified incentive methods 7 4.1.3 Lack of different incentive contents .............................................7 4.1.4 Lack of multiple incentive criteria ............................................7 4.2 Countermeasures of classroom incentive in junior high schools'English teaching 8 4.2.1 Interaction of incentive subjects 9 4.2.2 Diversification of inventive methods 9 4.2.3 Enrichment of incentive contents 10 4.2.4 Multiformity of incentive criteria 10 V.Conclusion 13 References 14 Appendix 14 Acknowledgements 15 |
Researches on problems and countermeasures of classroom incentive in junior high schools'English teaching