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关键词: 《女勇士》; 第三空间理论; 身份认同

The Analysis of The Woman Warrior from the Perspective of Third Space Theory

Kingston is one of the most famous female Asian American writers in America.Her first work, The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girl in the Phantom,is regarded as an important work in the development of Chinese American literature. The book became very popular as soon as it was published.This paper attempts to interpret Kingston's Woman Warrior from the perspective of Edward soja's third space theory, emphasizing the construction process of female characters in the novel. By analyzing the stories in The Woman Warrior,this paper tries to explain the process of little girl's pursuit of identity in American society. In American society, she is oppressed by both gender and race.The little girl confused her identity in the first space and founda way out in the second space by conceiving a new story about Mulan. Finally, she successfully constructed her identity asa world citizen and Chinese American in the third space. Through this study, it can provide a new perspective for the study of The Woman Warrior.It also has some enlightenment to the current immigration problem.

Keywords: The Woman Warrior; The Third Space Theory; Identity