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摘 要:弗莱的原型批评理论对文学分析的研究起着很重要的作用, 这一理论深入文学表象,挖掘作品的深刻内涵和历史渊源,开掘出作品的新内涵。 本文综述了以原型批评的角度对劳伦斯《虹》的研究在国内外的历史和现状, 在借鉴已有的研究成果和发现研究空白的基础上,拓展研究思路, 重申了圣经对劳伦斯创作的重要作用及劳伦斯 在该小说中使用 《圣经》原型的写作意图和救世情怀。 以新的视角探寻《虹》的创作对《圣经》的承袭与颠覆, 挖掘劳伦斯的宗教观与世界观。

关键词:戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯; 《圣经》; 《虹》; 原型

Rewriting and Intentions of the Biblical Stories in The Rainbow

Abstract: Frye's archetypal criticism theory plays an important role in the study of literary analysis. This theory goes deep into literary representation, excavates the profound connotation and historical origin of the works, and unearths the new connotation of the works. This thesis has reviewed the history and current situation of the study of Lawrence's The Rainbow from the perspective of archetypal criticism at home and abroad, drawn on the existing research results, found research gaps, and reaffirmed the importance of the Bible to Laurence’s writing and his intention and messianic feeling of using the biblical archetype in the novel. This thesis has explored the inheritance from and subversion of the Bible in writing The Rainbow from a new perspective and excavated Lawrence’s religious and world outlook.

Keywords: D. H. Lawrence; the Bible; The Rainbow; archetype


1. Introduction 1

1.1 D. H. Lawrence as the writer 1

1.2 The Rainbow 1

1.3 Purpose of the Study 2

2. Previous Studies on The Rainbow Abroad and at Home 3

2.1 Studies on The Rainbow Abroad 3

2.2 Studies on The Rainbow at Home 4

3. Archetypal Criticism 5

3.1 A Brief Introduction to Archetypal Criticism 5

3.2 Northrop Frye’s Theory of Archetypal Criticism 6

4. The Rewriting and Intention of Biblical Archetypal Images in The Rainbow 6

4.1 Archetypal Character 7

4.1.1 Noah 7

4.1.2 Eve 8

4.2 Archetypal Images 10

4.2.1 The Imagery of The Flood 10

4.2.2 The Imagery of The Rainbow 12

4.3 Archetypal Structure: Circular Narrative Structure 15

4.4 Archetypal Theme: Return to the “Garden of Eden” 16

5. Conclusion 19

References 21