从归化与异化理论看英剧《德雷尔一家》的字幕翻译【英文】 Abstract With the further development of economic globalization and increasingly frequent cultural exchanges between China and western countries, a large number of excellent foreign films and TV programs have entered the Chinese market. In recent years, though the average English level of Chinese people has improved, a lot of them are still used to relying on subtitle translation when watching foreign films and TV programs as there are different cultural factors hidden in different languages. Therefore, English-Chinese subtitle translation with high quality is significant. However, the field of translation attaches more importance to traditional text types than subtitle translation in film and TV shows. As a result, related researches of the latter are much less than the former. The Durrells is a British comedy-drama series, which is full of British style. There is not only British lifestyle, language habits, but also other aspects, all of which are showed typically in the series. That’s why this thesis chooses The Durrells as a study case. Taking the theory of domestication and foreignization as a framework, this thesis mainly adopts the methods of documentary, comparative analysis and experiential summary to analyze the features of English language and English culture, focusing on discussing characteristics and ways of English-Chinese subtitle translation, especially in films and television programs, in order to provide reference to change the phenomenon of subtitle translation in our country. Key words: domestication and foreignization; subtitle translation; ways of translation 摘 要 随着经济全球化的深入以及中西文化交流的日益频繁,大量优秀的外国影视作品进入中国市场。近年来,虽然中国人的英语平均水平有所提高,但由于多种文化因素的影响,很多人在观看外国影视作品时还习惯依赖字幕翻译。因此,高质量的字幕翻译就显得特别重要。而令人遗憾的是,翻译界对传统文本类型翻译的重视程度远远高于影视字幕翻译,相关研究与翻译理论较少。 《德雷尔一家》是一部英国喜剧,该剧充满了浓厚的英伦味道,不论是英国式的生活观念、语言习惯还是其他方面都在剧中有着比较集中的反映。因此,本文选择英剧《德雷尔一家》为研究对象,以归化与异化的翻译理论为研究框架,用文献资料法、对比分析法和经验总结法等研究方法分析英语及英国文化乃至西方文化的特点,着力探讨英文影视字幕翻译的特点及方法,力图为改变当前影视字幕翻译良莠不齐的现象提供借鉴。 关键词:归化与异化;字幕翻译;翻译策略 Contents Acknowledgmentsi Abstract in Englishii Abstract in Chineseiii Ⅰ. Introduction1 II. Theory of Domestication and Foreignization2 2.1 Introduction to the Theory2 2.2 Application of the Theory in Subtitle Translation3 2.3 Research Status about the Application of the Theory in Subtitle Translation4 Ⅲ. Application of Domestication and Foreignization in Subtitle Translation in The Durrells5 3.1 Overview of the Subtitle Translation in TV Series5 3.2 Application of Domestication in Subtitle Translation in The Durrells7 3.2.1 Application of Domestications in The Durrells7 3.2.2 Choice of Translation Methods from the Perspective of Domestication8 3.3 Application of Foreignization in Subtitle Translation in The Durrells9 3.3.1 Application of Foreignization in The Durrells9 3.3.2 Choice of Translation Methods from the Perspective of Foreignization11 3.4 Factors Affecting the Application of Domestication and Foreignization in The Durrells12 3.4.1 Text Type12 3.4.2 Translation Purpose13 3.4.3 Target Reader13 IV. Conclusion14 Bibliography15 |