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《德伯家的苔丝》是英国著名现实主义作家托马斯·哈代的代表作,它描写了农村女孩苔丝的悲惨命运。《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》是福克纳短篇小说的代表作,在这篇小说中,福克纳为读者描写了一位贵族小姐在旧南方父权主义以及清教女性主义 的毒害下,逐渐变成了一位杀人凶手的过程,讲述了她悲剧的一生。两部作品都是世界文学史上的两部名著,《爱米丽》和《苔丝》两部作品国别不同,时代各异,在题材和风格上也各有差异。表面看来,二者并无关联.但是两段故事的女主角,南方没落贵族家中的小姐艾米丽和勤劳善良的农村女孩苔丝,却有着惊人相似的女性悲剧命运。苔丝和艾米丽虽然生活在不同的时期,但是她们的主流价值观是相似的。即她们都是各自主流思想价值的牺牲品,都曾尝试着打破这些禁忌,追求自由的生活,但是最终在男权主流社会面前以失败而告终。她们生活在这样的价值体系里,悲惨的命运早已注定。该文旨在女性主义理论的指导下对两篇故事进行对比,分析女性悲剧的成因。整个论文的完成是希望唤醒我们社会中的妇女,他们可以从女主角身上吸取教训,避免在婚姻或社交生活中迷失自己。

本文一共分为五部分。第一章引言部分介绍了托马斯哈代和威廉·福克纳两位作家,以及他们的代表作《德伯家的苔丝》与《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》,为后文的论述做了铺垫。之后本文介绍了在中外文学史上已经对这两位作家及他们的这两部代表作所作出的研究。第二章主要介绍女性主义及其发展和女性主义的相关理论。女性主义者认为女性低下的经济地位和阶级地位都是受父权制社会压迫的结果。第三章探讨了苔丝和艾米丽悲剧的最根本原因:她们在父权社会的从属地位,并通过家庭的压迫,虚伪的宗教和资本主义道德以及女性的爱情观和婚姻观反映出来。第四章讨论了苔丝和艾米丽悲剧的另一个原因:自身个性特征。苔丝的软弱传统和艾米丽的傲慢顽固都束缚着他们的人生选择。除此之外,她们叛逆性格也是构成各自悲剧的成因。第五章是结论部分,女性的悲剧与他们在男权社会的道德标准,经济地位有着紧 密的联系。女性必须学会尊重,支持自己,只有经济独立,敢于挑战传统观念才能真正打破束缚。

关键字:德伯家的苔丝;献给艾米丽的玫瑰; 女性主义;悲剧原因;对比分析


Tess of the D'Urbervilles is the representative work of Thomas Hardy, a famous British realist writer. It describes the tragic fate of Tess, a rural girl.A Rose for Emily is the representative work of Faulkner's short stories.In this novel, Faulkner describes for readers the process of a noble lady becoming a murderer under the poison of old southern patriarchy and Puritan feminism, and tells her tragic life. Both of them are two famous works in the history of world literature.Emily and Tess are different in different countries, times, themes and styles.On the surface, the two are not related.But the heroines of the two stories, Emily,a young lady from the declining aristocratic family in the south, and Tess, a hard-working and kind-hearted girl from the countryside, share a surprisingly similar female tragic fate. Although Tess and Emily live in different periods, their mainstream values are similar.That is to say, they are victims of their own mainstream ideological values.They have tried to break these taboos and pursue a free life,but in the end they failed in the face of the male dominated mainstream society. They live in such a value system, the tragic fate has long been doomed.This paper aims to compare the two stories under the guidance of feminist theory and analyze the causes of female tragedy. The completion of the whole thesis is to awaken the women in our society,who can learn from the heroine and avoid losing themselves in marriage or social life.

This paper is divided into five parts.The first chapter introduces Thomas Hardy and William Faulkner,as well as their representative works Tess of the d'Urbervillesand A Rose for Emily, which paves the way for the following discussion. After that, this paper introduces the research on these two writers and their two representative works in the history of Chinese and foreign literature. The second chapter mainly introduces feminism andits development and related theories of feminism. Feminists believe that women's low economic status and classstatus are the result of the oppression of patriarchal society. The third chapter discusses the most fundamental cause of Tess and Emily's Tragedy: theirsubordinate status in the patriarchal society,which is reflected through family oppression, hypocritical religion and capitalist morality, and women's views on love and marriage. The fourth chapter discusses another cause of Tess and Emily's Tragedy: her own personality.Both Tess's weak tradition and Emily's arrogance and stubbornness restrict their life choices.In addition, their rebellious character is also the cause of their respective tragedies.The fifth chapter is the conclusion.Women's tragedy is closely related to their moral standards and economic status in the patriarchal society. Women must learn to respect and support themselves.Only when they are economically independent and dare to challenge traditional ideas can they really break the shackles.

Key words: Tess of the D'Urbervilles; A Rose for Emily;feminism; tragedy causes; comparative analysis

Table of Contents




1.1An Introduction to Hardy and Tess of D’Urbervilles

1.2An Introduction to William Faulkner and A Rose for Emily

1.3Literature Review

1.3.1Literature Review of Tess of D’Urbervilles

1.3.2Literature Review of A Rose for Emily


2A Brief Introduction to Feminism

2.1The Background and Evolving of Feminism

2.2Two Views of Feminist Theory

2.2.1Women's subordinate position in Patriarchal Society

2.2.2Women’s economic situation

3Tragedies Caused by Subordinate Position in Patriarchal Society

3.1Pressure from Family

3.2Hypocritical Religion and Capitalist Morality

3.2.1 Tess’s Chastity

3.2.2 Emily’s Womanhood

3.3Women’s Outlook of Love and Marriage

3.3.1Tess’s Subordinated Position in Love

3.3.2Emily’s Loss of Independent Consciousness

4Tragedies Caused by Personal Traits

4.1Tess's Character Traits

4.1.1Tess's Weak and Traditional

4.1.2Tess' Independence and Rebellion

4.2Emily’s Character Traits

4.2.1 Emily's Arrogant and Eccentric

4.2.2 Emily’s Resistance and Suicide

5 Conclusion

