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从归化异化视角探讨饮食文化纪录片字幕翻译 —《以舌尖上的中国》为例

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从归化异化视角探讨饮食文化纪录片字幕翻译 —《以舌尖上的中国》为例

In order to better introduce Chinese food culture to British audiences, domestication, foreignization and the combination of domestication and foreignization are adopted in the English translation of the documentary A bite of China. This paper makes a statistical analysis of the application of these three translation strategies in the English translation of dish names, production process and folk culture in documentaries, and finds that translators should focus on the center and flexibly use these three translation strategies according to local conditions in order to achieve the best translation effect. In addition, compared with the similar documentaries in the past, the foreignization strategy in the process of documentary English translation is less effective, and the utilization rate is significantly improved, which reflects the improvement of Chinese cultural confidence in recent years.