中美社会经济文化对广告中女性形象的影响 [摘要]广告是一种向公众公开而广泛地传递信息的宣传手段,因此它必须符合目标市场的文化背景。而使用女性形象进行促销,已然成为商业广告中的一种策略。因中美历史背景、民族文化以及经济发展程度等方面的不同,中美两国在广告中塑造女性形象上有所不同。因此,对比研究中美社会经济文化对广告中女性形象的影响具有重要意义。本文选取了中美两国具有代表性的传统广告及现代广告进行分析介绍不同时期中美两国在商业广告中塑造女性形象的特点以及差异,并阐述形成这些差异的文化因素,包括经济发展水平、经济发展模式、文化价值观、历史文化等。通过研究这些差异,我们可以得出在早期中美两国广告中的女性形象较为单一,美国广告热衷于将女性塑造成快乐的家庭主妇,而中国广告常常将女性放置于家庭背景下且与生育联系在一起,在中后期,中美两国广告中的女性形象打破了单一的局面,呈多样化趋势发展:相对于中国女性形象,美国再表达女性形象上更倾向于从不同方面去展示女性的魅力;相对于美国女性形象,中国广告商更倾向于将女性展示为职业女性或是文艺女青年形象。然而,当代广告中的女性形象仍然存在着人们对女性的刻板印象。 【关键词】:广告;女性形象;差异;经济文化;社会文化 Influence of Chinese and American Social and Economic Cultures upon Advertising Female Images [Abstract]Advertising, as an important means of spreading information openly and widely to the public, it must conform to the cultural background of its target market. Using female images for promotion, which has become an important strategy in commercial advertising. China and America have different ways in shaping female images in advertising as two countries have a different history, national culture and at a different economic development degree. Hence,it is of great significance for the author to study the influence of social and economic on female images in advertisements between two countries. In this thesis representative traditional advertising and modern advertising in two countries were chosen to be researched, then analyze the characteristics and differences in shaping female images in advertising between China and United States in different periods.In addition, this thesis will expound the cultural factors which conduce to these differences, including economic development level, economic development model, cultural values, historical cultural factors and so forth.Through studying these differences, we can draw the conclusion that female images in two countries are quite simple in early period, American advertisers tend to shape women as happy housewife while Chinese advertisers often placing women in family and closely related to reproduction.In the later period, female images in two countries show a diversified trend: Americans are more likely to show the charm of women from different aspects while Chinese usually show women as a career women and so on. However, there are still stereotypes of women in contemporary advertisements. 【key words】advertising, female images, differences, economic culture, social culture |