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The Characteristics and Methods of English-Chinese Translation of Advertisements

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The Characteristics and Methods of English-Chinese Translation of Advertisements

Abstract: As a result of frequent communication between foreign countries and China, many advertisements come into the vision of people. English-Chinese advertising translation is increasingly becoming an important part of translation studies. And it is proposed to a higher request about English-Chinese translation of advertisement. When dealing with the advertising translation, we should fully take language customs and cultural background into account. We also should be familiar with the language characteristics and translation skills of English advertisements. This paper consists of six parts. The first part is the introduction, I explain why the English-Chinese translation of advertisements is more and more important. The second part analyzes the types:commercial advertisements translation and cultural advertisement translation. The third part introduces the characteristics of English-Chinese translation of advertisements. The fourth part, the most important part, points out the translation methods of English-Chinese advertisements. The fifth part deals with ways to avoid mistakes in English-Chinese advertisements. And it includes two aspects: finding proper equivalent expression and considering different outlooks on values. The last part is conclusion, and it restates the significance of advertisements’ translation.
Key words: characteristic, methods, English-Chinese translation, advertisement

摘要:  由于国外和中国之间的频繁交流,很多广告进入了人们的视野,英汉广告翻译日益成为翻译研究的重要部分,并且对英汉广告翻译的要求也越来越高。当翻译广告时,我们应该充分考虑到语言习俗和文化背景等问题。同时也应该熟悉英语广告的特点和翻译技巧。本论文由六部分组成,第一部分是介绍,解释了为什么英汉广告翻译变得越来越重要;第二部分分析了英汉广告翻译的类型---商业广告翻译和文化广告翻译;第三部分分析了英汉广告翻译的特点;第四部分也是最重要的部分,分析了翻译的方法;第五部分分析了如何避免翻译时出现错误,这部分从两个方面来分析---发现正确的对等表达和英汉不同价值观对翻译的影响;最后是结语,再次阐述了广告翻译的重要性。
关键词:特点 方法 英汉翻译 广告